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Reporting settings in Kibana


You can configure xpack.reporting settings in your kibana.yml to:

General reporting settings

Set to false to disable the reporting features.
Set to any text string. By default, Kibana will generate a random key when it starts, which will cause pending reports to fail after restart. Configure this setting to preserve the same key across multiple restarts and multiple instances of Kibana.

Kibana server settings


Reporting opens the Kibana web interface in a server process to generate screenshots of Kibana visualizations. In most cases, the default settings will work and you don’t need to configure Reporting to communicate with Kibana. However, if your client connections must go through a reverse-proxy to access Kibana, Reporting configuration must have the proxy port, protocol, and hostname set in the xpack.reporting.kibanaServer.* settings.

If a reverse-proxy carries encrypted traffic from end-user clients back to a Kibana server, the proxy port, protocol, and hostname in Reporting settings must be valid for the encryption that the Reporting browser will receive. Encrypted communications will fail if there are mismatches in the host information between the request and the certificate on the server.

Configuring the xpack.reporting.kibanaServer settings to point to a proxy host requires that the Kibana server has network access to the proxy.

The port for accessing Kibana, if different from the server.port value.
The protocol for accessing Kibana, typically http or https.
The hostname for accessing Kibana, if different from the value.

Background job settings


Reporting generates reports in the background and jobs are coordinated using documents in Elasticsearch. Depending on how often you generate reports and the overall number of reports, you might need to change the following settings.

How often the index that stores reporting jobs rolls over to a new index. Valid values are year, month, week, day, and hour. Defaults to week.
Set to true (default) to enable the Kibana instance to to poll the index for pending jobs and claim them for execution. Setting this to false allows the Kibana instance to only add new jobs to the reporting queue, list jobs, and provide the downloads to completed report through the UI.

Running multiple instances of Kibana in a cluster for load balancing of reporting requires identical values for xpack.reporting.encryptionKey and, if security is enabled,

Specifies the number of milliseconds that the reporting poller waits between polling the index for any pending Reporting jobs. Defaults to 3000 (3 seconds).
How long each worker has to produce a report. If your machine is slow or under heavy load, you might need to increase this timeout. Specified in milliseconds. Defaults to 120000 (two minutes).

Capture settings


Reporting works by capturing screenshots from Kibana. The following settings control the capturing process.

When visualizations are not evented, this is the amount of time before taking a screenshot. All visualizations that ship with Kibana are evented, so this setting should not have much effect. If you are seeing empty images instead of visualizations, try increasing this value. Defaults to 3000 (3 seconds).
Specifies the browser to use to capture screenshots. This setting exists for backward compatibility. The only valid option is chromium.

Chromium settings


When xpack.reporting.capture.browser.type is set to chromium (default) you can also specify the following settings.

Elastic recommends that you research the feasibility of enabling unprivileged user namespaces. See Chromium Sandbox for additional information. Defaults to false for all operating systems except Debian, Red Hat Linux, and CentOS which use true
Enables the proxy for Chromium to use. When set to true, you must also specify the xpack.reporting.capture.browser.chromium.proxy.server setting. Defaults to false
The uri for the proxy server. Providing the username and password for the proxy server via the uri is not supported.
An array of hosts that should not go through the proxy server and should use a direct connection instead. Examples of valid entries are "", "*", "", ""

CSV settings



The maximum size of a CSV file before being truncated. This setting exists to prevent large exports from causing performance and storage issues. Defaults to 10485760 (10mB).


Number of documents retrieved from Elasticsearch for each scroll iteration during a CSV export. Defaults to 500.


Amount of time allowed before Kibana cleans the scroll context during a CSV export. Defaults to 30s.


Enables a check that warns you when there’s a potential formula involved in the output (=, -, +, and @ chars). See OWASP: Defaults to true.


Enables CSV export from a saved search on a dashboard. This action is available in the dashboard panel menu for the saved search. Defaults to true.

Advanced settings

Reporting uses a weekly index in Elasticsearch to store the reporting job and the report content. The index is automatically created if it does not already exist. Configure this to a unique value, beginning with .reporting-, for every Kibana instance that has a unique kibana.index setting. Defaults to .reporting

Specifies the roles in addition to superusers that can use reporting. Defaults to [ "reporting_user" ]

Each user has access to only their own reports.