- Kibana Guide: other versions:
- Introduction
- Get started
- Set Up Kibana
- Discover
- Visualize
- Creating a Visualization
- Saving Visualizations
- Using rolled up data in a visualization
- Line, Area, and Bar charts
- Controls Visualization
- Data Table
- Markdown Widget
- Metric
- Goal and Gauge
- Pie Charts
- Coordinate Maps
- Region Maps
- Timelion
- Tag Clouds
- Heatmap Chart
- Vega Graphs
- Inspecting Visualizations
- Dashboard
- Canvas
- Graph data connections
- Machine learning
- Elastic Maps
- Code
- Infrastructure
- Logs
- Uptime
- Dev Tools
- Stack Monitoring
- Management
- Reporting from Kibana
- Kibana plugins
- Limitations
- Release Highlights
- Breaking Changes
- Release Notes
- Developer guide
IMPORTANT: No additional bug fixes or documentation updates
will be released for this version. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
Semantic code navigation
editSemantic code navigation
editYou can navigate a file with semantic code navigation features if:
- Code supports the file’s language
- You have installed the corresponding language server
Goto definition and find reference
editHovering your cursor over a symbol in a file opens information about the symbol, including its qualified name and documentation, when available. You can perform two actions:
- Goto Definition navigates to the symbol definition. Definitions defined in a different repo can be found, provided that you have imported the repo with the definition.
- Find Reference opens a panel that lists all references to the symbol.

View symbol table
editFrom the Structure tab, you can open a symbol table that details the structure of the current class. Clicking on a member function or variable jumps to its definition.

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