Supported technologies


If the agent doesn’t support your favorite technology yet, you can vote for it by participating in our survey. We will use the results to add support for the most requested technologies.

Operating systems


The agent supports Linux operating system.

PHP versions


The agent supports PHP versions 7.2-8.3.

Unsupported PHP Server API’s (SAPI)


Currenly we’re not supporting phpdbg - agent extension can be loaded but will remain non-functional

Web frameworks


Automatic instrumentation for a web framework means a transaction is automatically created for each incoming request and it is named after the registered route.

We support automatic instrumentation for the following web frameworks.

Framework Supported versions

Framework-less PHP application (i.e., application using PHP’s built in web support)


6, 7, 8, 9, 10


5, 6

Data access technologies


We support automatic instrumentation for the following data access technologies.

Data access technology Supported versions Notes

PHP Data Objects (PDO)

any version bundled with a supported PHP version

The agent automatically creates DB spans for all your PDO queries. This includes PDO queries executed by object relational mappers (ORM) like Doctrine & Eloquent.


any version bundled with a supported PHP version

HTTP clients


Automatic instrumentation for an HTTP client technology means an HTTP span is automatically created for each outgoing HTTP request and distributed tracing headers are propagated. The spans are named after the schema <method> <host>, for example GET

Framework Supported versions

curl extension

Guzzle library

Capturing PHP errors as APM error events


The agent automatically creates APM error events for PHP errors triggered by the monitored application. See PHP errors as APM error events for the relevant configuration settings.