Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.2.3


New for Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.2.3:

  • Elasticsearch and Kibana 6.8.1 and 7.2.0. This version of Elastic Cloud Enterprise includes our latest Elastic Stack versions. Previous versions of ECE can download these versions add the Elastic Stack pack. To learn more about best practices when upgrading, check Upgrade versions.
  • Improved RESTful API responses. We spent some time polishing the responses you get when you use the ECE RESTful API to improve technical clarity and consistency. Same great API as before, now easier to understand. To learn more, check API reference or simply use the API.

Bug fixes


Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.2.3 includes the following bug fixes:

  • Fixed a race condition that could lead to overly restrictive IP filtering.
  • Fixed a bug with RBAC SAML callback URLs that were broken when using HTTPS.

Release date: June 27, 2019