- Elastic Cloud Enterprise - Elastic Cloud on your Infrastructure: other versions:
- Introducing Elastic Cloud Enterprise
- Preparing your installation
- Installing Elastic Cloud Enterprise
- Identify the deployment scenario
- Install ECE on a public cloud
- Install ECE on your own premises
- Alternative: Install ECE with Ansible
- Log into the Cloud UI
- Install ECE on additional hosts
- Migrate ECE to Podman hosts
- Post-installation steps
- Configuring your installation
- System deployments configuration
- Configure deployment templates
- Tag your allocators
- Edit instance configurations
- Create instance configurations
- Create deployment templates
- Configure system deployment templates
- Configure index management for templates
- Updating custom templates to support
and autoscaling - Updating custom templates to support Integrations Server
- Default instance configurations
- Include additional Kibana plugins
- Manage snapshot repositories
- Manage licenses
- Change the ECE API URL
- Change endpoint URLs
- Enable custom endpoint aliases
- Configure allocator affinity
- Change allocator disconnect timeout
- Migrate ECE on Podman hosts to SELinux in
- Securing your installation
- Monitoring your installation
- Administering your installation
- Working with deployments
- Create a deployment
- Access Kibana
- Adding data to Elasticsearch
- Migrating data
- Ingesting data from your application
- Ingest data with Node.js on Elastic Cloud Enterprise
- Ingest data with Python on Elastic Cloud Enterprise
- Ingest data from Beats to Elastic Cloud Enterprise with Logstash as a proxy
- Ingest data from a relational database into Elastic Cloud Enterprise
- Ingest logs from a Python application using Filebeat
- Ingest logs from a Node.js web application using Filebeat
- Manage data from the command line
- Administering deployments
- Change your deployment configuration
- Maintenance mode
- Terminate a deployment
- Restart a deployment
- Restore a deployment
- Delete a deployment
- Migrate to index lifecycle management
- Disable an Elasticsearch data tier
- Access the Elasticsearch API console
- Work with snapshots
- Restore a snapshot across clusters
- Upgrade versions
- Editing your user settings
- Deployment autoscaling
- Configure Beats and Logstash with Cloud ID
- Keep your clusters healthy
- Keep track of deployment activity
- Secure your clusters
- Deployment heap dumps
- Deployment thread dumps
- Traffic Filtering
- Connect to your cluster
- Manage your Kibana instance
- Manage your APM & Fleet Server (7.13+)
- Manage your APM Server (versions before 7.13)
- Manage your Integrations Server
- Switch from APM to Integrations Server payload
- Enable logging and monitoring
- Enable cross-cluster search and cross-cluster replication
- Access other deployments of the same Elastic Cloud Enterprise environment
- Access deployments of another Elastic Cloud Enterprise environment
- Access deployments of an Elasticsearch Service organization
- Access clusters of a self-managed environment
- Enabling CCS/R between Elastic Cloud Enterprise and ECK
- Edit or remove a trusted environment
- Migrate the cross-cluster search deployment template
- Enable App Search
- Enable Enterprise Search
- Enable Graph (versions before 5.0)
- Troubleshooting
- Authentication
- API calls
- How to access the API
- API examples
- Setting up your environment
- A first API call: What deployments are there?
- Create a first Deployment: Elasticsearch and Kibana
- Applying a new plan: Resize and add high availability
- Updating a deployment: Checking on progress
- Applying a new deployment configuration: Upgrade
- Enable more stack features: Add Enterprise Search to a deployment
- Dipping a toe into platform automation: Generate a roles token
- Customize your deployment
- Remove unwanted deployment templates and instance configurations
- Secure your settings
- API reference
- Changes to index allocation and API
- Script reference
- Release notes
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.7.3
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.7.2
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.7.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.7.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.6.2
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.6.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.6.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.5.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.5.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.4.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.4.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.3.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.2.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.2.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.1.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.1.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 3.0.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.13.4
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.13.3
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.13.2
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.13.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.13.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.12.4
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.12.3
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.12.2
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.12.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.12.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.11.2
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.11.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.11.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.10.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.10.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.9.2
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.9.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.9.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.8.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.8.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.7.2
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.7.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.7.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.6.2
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.6.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.6.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.5.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.5.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.4.3
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.4.2
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.4.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.4.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.3.2
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.3.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.3.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.2.3
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.2.2
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.2.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.2.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.1.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.1.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.0.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.0.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 1.1.5
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 1.1.4
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 1.1.3
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 1.1.2
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 1.1.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 1.1.0
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 1.0.2
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 1.0.1
- Elastic Cloud Enterprise 1.0.0
- What’s new with the Elastic Stack
- About this product
Generate roles tokens
editGenerate roles tokens
editAt the end of the Elastic Cloud Enterprise installation process on the first host, you are provided with a roles token. This token can be used to install Elastic Cloud Enterprise on additional hosts, but it does not include any role permissions. Roles can be assigned to the additional hosts through the Cloud UI later on, but this role assignment is a manual process. For automation purposes, you need to generate a new ephemeral or persistent token with the right role permissions, so that you can install Elastic Cloud Enterprise on hosts and add the right roles at the same time.
Ephemeral and persistent tokens differ as follows:
- Ephemeral token
- Available for use during Elastic Cloud Enterprise installation on additional hosts for one hour before the token is revoked automatically. Cannot be revoked manually.
- Persistent token
- Available for use during Elastic Cloud Enterprise installation on additional hosts indefinitely. Can be revoked at any time.
The permitted roles are the same as those you can assign in the Cloud UI:
- Allocates the available computing resources to Elasticsearch nodes or Kibana instances. In larger installations, a majority of the machines will be allocators.
- Serves as a distributed coordination system and resource scheduler.
- Manages communication between a user and an Elasticsearch or Kibana instance.
- Manages the ZooKeeper datastore. This role is typically shared with the coordinator role. In production deployments it can be separated from a coordinator.
To generate an ephemeral token for additional allocators:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u USER:PASSWORD https://COORDINATOR_HOST_IP:12443/api/v1/platform/configuration/security/enrollment-tokens -d '{ "persistent": false, "roles": [ "allocator"] }' { "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI0Njk3N2I3ZC1hM2U2LTQ2MDUtYjcwZC0xNzIzMTI5YWY4ZTQiLCJyb2xlcyI6WyJwcm94eSIsImFsbG9jYXRvciJdLCJpc3MiOiJib290c3RyYXAtaW5pdGlhbCIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MzY0NjIxM30.xsaRb72CsNMuXKy6Y-PJgqLc0qmjCljlB4Smcx_MRxg" }
To generate a persistent token for additional allocators:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u USER:PASSWORD https://COORDINATOR_HOST_IP:12443/api/v1/platform/configuration/security/enrollment-tokens -d '{ "persistent": true, "roles": [ "allocator"] }' { "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI0Yzg5OTBkZi0xZmI3LTQ4MjAtYjg2OC02YmM5ZTg4NjA4MTQiLCJyb2xlcyI6WyJwcm94eSIsImFsbG9jYXRvciJdLCJpc3MiOiJib290c3RyYXAtaW5pdGlhbCJ9.mfTkO4j8uZJ-qwB2jmBuMScyYfLmcJpvKgSTLx2WV24", "token_id": "4c8990df-1fb7-4820-b868-6bc9e8860814" }