APM version 8.4

APM version 8.4.3

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No significant changes.

APM version 8.4.2

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Bug fixesedit
  • The data stream migration ingest pipeline now handles observer.version_major and process.ppid translation 9095
APM version 8.4.1

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Bug fixesedit
  • Fix event loss during reload of TBS processor 8809
  • Fix sporadically missing custom libbeat metrics 8900
APM version 8.4.0

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Breaking Changesedit
  • APM Server no longer crashes on an invalid tail-based sampling config; it continues running with TBS disabled 8375
Bug fixesedit
  • Fix race for deducing destination service fields for OTel bridge 8363
  • Fix processors receiving events even after the server has stopped 8388
  • Fix a bug where an event’s transaction_id is ignored if no transaction object is set 8820
  • Added support for service.target.{type,name} to be inferred from OpenTelemetry events 8334
  • Added support for OpenTelemetry summary metrics 7772
  • Upgraded bundled APM Java agent attacher CLI to version 1.32.0, which supports the latest version tag 8374
  • Added span.name to service_destination metrics 8391