APM version 8.2

APM version 8.2.3

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Bug fixesedit
  • Added tags field mapping to internal_metrics data stream 8292
APM version 8.2.2

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No significant changes.

APM version 8.2.1

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Bug fixesedit
  • Fixes a bug that caused events within batches with metadata.labels set to contain labels from other events in the same batch 8081
APM version 8.2.0

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Breaking Changesedit
  • APM Server now emits events with event.duration and renames the field to <event>.duration.us in an ingest pipeline 7261
  • Removed observer.version_major 7399
  • APM Server no longer ships with System V init scripts or the go-daemon wrapper; use systemd 7576
  • APM Server support for 32-bit architectures has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release 7678
Bug fixesedit
  • Do not overwrite service version if no transaction/error/…​ specific service.name is given 7281
  • Set transaction name to "<method> unknown route" for unknown HTTP routes in APM Server instrumentation 7679
Intake API Changesedit
  • Support for faas.name and faas.version added to intake and transaction metrics 7427
  • If proxy headers are present: source.ip and client.ip set to header values, and source.nat.ip set to incoming request IP 7444
  • Updated intake v2 with support for links in transaction and span events 7553
  • If an agent sends a transaction or span with type unspecified, the server now sets a default value of "unknown" 7688
  • Content-Type and Content-Encoding are no longer required for intake 7686
  • Implemented translation of OpenTelemetry host system metrics (CPU utilization / Memory usage) 7090
  • Added support for storing OpenTelemetry span links as span.links 7291
  • seccomp is disabled by default 7308
  • Added data stream namespace configuration for standalone with apm-server.data_streams.namespace 7314
  • apm-server artifacts now have the apm java-attacher.jar packaged alongside them 6593
  • Run the java attacher jar when configured and not in a cloud environment 6617