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Open and manage new cases


Open and manage new cases


Open a new case


Open a new case to keep track of issues and share the details with colleagues.

  1. Go to CasesCreate new case.
  2. Give the case a name, severity, and description.

    In the Description area, you can use Markdown syntax to create formatted text.

  3. Optionally, add a category, assignees, and tags. You can add users only if they meet the necessary prerequisites.
  4. Under External incident management system, select a connector. If you’ve previously added one, that connector displays as the default selection. Otherwise, the default setting is No connector selected.
  5. After you’ve completed all of the required fields, click Create case.

Add custom fields


This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

You can add optional and required fields for customized case collaboration.

  1. Go to CasesSettings.

    View custom fields in case settings

    To view and change case settings, you must have the appropriate Kibana feature privileges. Refer to Configure access to cases.

  2. In the Custom fields section, click Add field.

    Add a custom field in case settings
  3. Enter a field label.
  4. Choose a field type: text or toggle.
  5. If you want the text field to be mandatory in all cases, select Make this field required.
  6. Optionally add a default value.
  7. Click Save field.

You can subsequently remove or edit custom fields on the Settings page.

After you create custom fields, they’re added to all new and existing cases.

Existing cases have null values for the new text fields until you set them in each case.

Add email notifications


You can configure email notifications that occur when users are assigned to cases.

For hosted Kibana on Elasticsearch Service:

  1. Add the email domains to the notifications domain allowlist.

    You do not need to take any more steps to configure an email connector or update Kibana user settings, since the preconfigured Elastic-Cloud-SMTP connector is used by default.

For self-managed Kibana:

  1. Create a preconfigured email connector.

    At this time, email notifications support only preconfigured email connectors, which are defined in the kibana.yml file.

  2. Set the Kibana setting to the name of your email connector.
  3. If you want the email notifications to contain links back to the case, you must configure the server.publicBaseUrl setting.

When you subsequently add assignees to cases, they receive an email.

Add files


After you create a case, you can upload and manage files on the Files tab:

A list of files attached to a case

The acceptable file types and sizes are affected by your Kibana case settings.

To download or delete the file or copy the file hash to your clipboard, open the action menu (…). The available hash functions are MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-256.

When you upload a file, a comment is added to the case activity log. To view an image, click its name in the activity or file list.

Uploaded files are also accessible in Stack Management > Files. When you export cases as saved objects, the case files are not exported.

Manage existing cases


You can search existing cases and filter them by attributes such as assignees, categories, severity, status, and tags. You can also select multiple cases and use bulk actions to delete cases or change their attributes.

To view a case, click on its name. You can then:

  • Add a new comment.
  • Edit existing comments and the description.
  • Add or remove assignees.
  • Add a connector (if you did not select one while creating the case).
  • Send updates to external systems (if external connections are configured).
  • Edit the category and tags.
  • Change the status.
  • Change the severity.
  • Remove an alert.
  • Refresh the case to retrieve the latest updates.
  • Close the case.
  • Reopen a closed case.
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