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This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

You can use the Elasticsearch JDBC driver to access Elasticsearch data from DBeaver.



New Connection


Create a new connection either through the menu File > New > Database Connection menu or directly through the Database Connection panel.

dbeaver 1 new conn

Select Elasticsearch type


Select the Elasticsearch type from the available connection types:

dbeaver 2 conn es

Specify the Elasticsearch cluster information


Configure the Elasticsearch SQL connection appropriately:

dbeaver 3 conn props

Verify the driver version


Make sure the correct JDBC driver version is used by using the Edit Driver Settings button:

dbeaver 4 driver ver

DBeaver is aware of the Elasticsearch JDBC maven repository so simply Download/Update the artifact or add a new one. As an alternative one can add a local file instead if the Elasticsearch Maven repository is not an option.

When changing the driver, make sure to click on the Find Class button at the bottom - the Driver class should be picked out automatically however this provides a sanity check that the driver jar is properly found and it is not corrupt.

Test connectivity


Once the driver version and the settings are in place, use Test Connection to check that everything works. If things are okay, one should get a confirmation window with the version of the driver and that of Elasticsearch SQL:

dbeaver 5 test conn

Click Finish and the new Elasticsearch connection appears in the Database Connection panel.

DBeaver is now configured to talk to Elasticsearch.

Connect to Elasticsearch


Simply click on the Elasticsearch connection and start querying and exploring Elasticsearch:

dbeaver 6 data