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Migrate from the Elastic Synthetics integration


Migrate from the Elastic Synthetics integration


This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

The Elastic Synthetics integration is a method for creating synthetic monitors that is no longer recommended.

You should not use the Elastic Synthetics integration to set up new monitors and should make a plan to migrate existing monitors to use either Project monitors or the Synthetics app:

  • With Elastic Project monitors, you write tests in an external version-controlled project and use a CLI tool to push monitors to the Elastic Stack.
  • The Synthetics app is an application in Kibana that you can use to configure and create monitors using a user interface.

Compare approaches


Below is a comparison of how you used the Elastic Agent integration to create monitors and how you’ll use the Synthetics app or projects to create monitors:

Elastic Agent integration Projects or the Synthetics app

Supported monitors

Supported both lightweight and browser monitors

Supports both lightweight and browser monitors

Where monitors run (read more)

You had to run monitors on your infrastructure.

You can run monitors on both:

  • Your infrastructure using Private Locations
  • Elastic’s global managed infrastructure

Where you configure monitors

You could configure monitors using:

  • A user interface in Kibana (all monitor types)
  • Code in an external, version-controlled project (browser monitors only)

You can configure monitors using:

  • A user interface in Kibana (all lightweight monitors, browser monitors via inline script only)
  • Code in an external, version-controlled project (all monitor types)

How to use projects (read more)

  1. Created a project that uses @elastic/synthetics.
  2. Wrote journeys in JavaScript or TypeScript files.
  3. Zipped the entire project.
  4. Configured and created the monitor in the Integrations UI by adding a ZIP URL that pointed to the location of the project.
  1. Create a project that uses @elastic/synthetics.
  2. Configure lightweight monitors in YAML files.
  3. Write journeys in JavaScript or TypeScript files and configure individual monitors in your journey code using monitor.use or configure all monitors using the synthetics.config.ts file.
  4. Use the elastic/synthetics push command to create monitors.

Find more details in Use Project monitors.

How to use the UI (read more)

  1. Went to the Integrations page in Kibana.
  2. Searched for and added the Elastic Synthetics integration.
  3. Configured the monitor.
  4. Created the monitor.
  1. Go to Synthetics (beta) in Kibana.
  2. Go to Management.
  3. Click Create monitor.
  4. Configure the monitor.
  5. Create the monitor.

Find more details in Use the Synthetics app.

Where monitors run


If you want to continue hosting on your infrastructure, you will need to create a Private Location before creating monitors. If you have already have an Elastic Agent running using elastic-agent-complete, you can add it as a new Private Location in the Synthetics app. To create a new Private Location from scratch, follow all instructions in Monitor resources on private networks.

Alternatively, you can start hosting on Elastic’s global managed infrastructure. With Elastic’s global managed testing infrastructure, you can create and run monitors in multiple locations without having to manage your own infrastructure. Elastic takes care of software updates and capacity planning for you.

How to use projects


If you already have an external project you were adding via a ZIP URL you can use the same project, but you will have to make some changes.

First, upgrade the existing project to use the latest version of @elastic/synthetics:

  1. Run npm install -g @elastic/synthetics@latest to install the latest version of the CLI.
  2. Upgrade your existing project to use new project settings:

    1. Run npm @elastic/synthetics init <path-to-existing-project>.
    2. Respond to all prompts provided by the CLI.

      To ensure that your project will work with the latest version of Elastic Synthetics, the CLI will create a new configuration file on init, but you will see a prompt asking if you would like to continue before overwriting an existing configuration file.

  3. Review updated files and directories, including:

    1. journeys/ will contain sample journey code. Move existing journey files into this directory.
    2. synthetics.config.ts will contain updated default settings needed for the upgraded project.
    3. package.json will contain updated NPM settings for your project.

      If there is already a package.json file in the directory when you run init, the synthetics agent will not create a new package.json file. Instead it will modify the existing package.json file to:

      • Add @elastic/synthetics library to the dependencies if it’s not already present.
      • Add a test and push script if they are not already present.
    4. .github/ will contain sample workflow files to use with GitHub Actions.

Then, you can further configure monitors as needed. In the upgraded project, you’ll use code (instead of the Integrations UI) to define settings like the name of the monitor and the frequency at which it will run. There are two ways you can configure monitors using code:

Finally, you’ll create monitors using push instead of by adding a ZIP URL in the Integrations UI. This will require an API token. Read more in @elastic/synthetics push.

Optionally, you can also add lightweight monitors to the project in YAML files. Read more about adding lightweight monitors to projects in Configure lightweight monitors.

For more information on getting started with projects, refer to Use Project monitors.

How to use the UI


If you created monitors solely via the Elastic Synthetics integration UI, you can recreate monitors in the Synthetics app.

The configuration options in the Synthetics app look very similar to the Elastic Synthetics integration UI with a few exceptions. In the Synthetics app:

  1. You will select one or more locations for each monitor.
  2. You cannot use a ZIP URL for browser monitors. Use projects instead.
  3. You can test the configuration (including the journey for browser monitors) using Run test before creating the monitor.

For more information on getting started with the Synthetics app, refer to Use the Synthetics app.

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