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Create or update query rule


Creates or updates an individual query rule within a query ruleset.



PUT _query_rules/<ruleset_id>/_rule/<rule_id>



Requires the manage_search_query_rules privilege.

(Required, object) Contains parameters for a query rule:

Request body

(Required, string) The type of rule. At this time only pinned query rule types are allowed.
(Required, array of objects) The criteria that must be met for the rule to be applied. If multiple criteria are specified for a rule, all criteria must be met for the rule to be applied.

Criteria must have the following information:

  • type (Required, string) The type of criteria. The following criteria types are supported:

    • exact Only exact matches meet the criteria defined by the rule. Applicable for string or numerical values.
    • fuzzy Exact matches or matches within the allowed Levenshtein Edit Distance meet the criteria defined by the rule. Only applicable for string values.
    • prefix Matches that start with this value meet the criteria defined by the rule. Only applicable for string values.
    • suffix Matches that end with this value meet the criteria defined by the rule. Only applicable for string values.
    • contains Matches that contain this value anywhere in the field meet the criteria defined by the rule. Only applicable for string values.
    • lt Matches with a value less than this value meet the criteria defined by the rule. Only applicable for numerical values.
    • lte Matches with a value less than or equal to this value meet the criteria defined by the rule. Only applicable for numerical values.
    • gt Matches with a value greater than this value meet the criteria defined by the rule. Only applicable for numerical values.
    • gte Matches with a value greater than or equal to this value meet the criteria defined by the rule. Only applicable for numerical values.
    • always Matches all queries, regardless of input.
  • metadata (Optional, string) The metadata field to match against. This metadata will be used to match against match_criteria sent in the Rule. Required for all criteria types except always.
  • values (Optional, array of strings) The values to match against the metadata field. Only one value must match for the criteria to be met. Required for all criteria types except always.

    (Required, object) The actions to take when the rule is matched. The format of this action depends on the rule type.

Actions depend on the rule type. For pinned rules, actions follow the format specified by the Pinned Query. The following actions are allowed:

  • ids (Optional, array of strings) The unique document IDs of the documents to pin. Only one of ids or docs may be specified, and at least one must be specified.
  • docs (Optional, array of objects) The documents to pin. Only one of ids or docs may be specified, and at least one must be specified. You can specify the following attributes for each document:

    • _index (Required, string) The index of the document to pin.
    • _id (Required, string) The unique document ID.

Due to limitations within Pinned queries, you can only pin documents using ids or docs, but cannot use both in single rule. It is advised to use one or the other in query rulesets, to avoid errors. Additionally, pinned queries have a maximum limit of 100 pinned hits. If multiple matching rules pin more than 100 documents, only the first 100 documents are pinned in the order they are specified in the ruleset.



The following example creates a new query rule with the ID my-rule1 in a query ruleset called my-ruleset.

my-rule1 will pin documents with IDs id1 and id2 when user_query contains pugs or puggles and user_country exactly matches us.

resp = client.query_rules.put_rule(
            "type": "contains",
            "metadata": "user_query",
            "values": [
            "type": "exact",
            "metadata": "user_country",
            "values": [
        "ids": [
const response = await client.transport.request({
  method: "PUT",
  path: "/_query_rules/my-ruleset/_rule/my-rule1",
  body: {
    type: "pinned",
    criteria: [
        type: "contains",
        metadata: "user_query",
        values: ["pugs", "puggles"],
        type: "exact",
        metadata: "user_country",
        values: ["us"],
    actions: {
      ids: ["id1", "id2"],
PUT _query_rules/my-ruleset/_rule/my-rule1
    "type": "pinned",
    "criteria": [
            "type": "contains",
            "metadata": "user_query",
            "values": [ "pugs", "puggles" ]
            "type": "exact",
            "metadata": "user_country",
            "values": [ "us" ]
    "actions": {
        "ids": [
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