MLOps definition

Machine learning operations (MLOps) is a set of practices that streamline the development, deployment, and continuous maintenance of machine learning models and workflows. A subfield of artificial intelligence (AI), MLOps is at the intersection of machine learning (ML), development operations (DevOps), and data engineering. It combines end-to-end machine learning model development with machine learning system deployment and operations. This practice is a collaborative effort between data scientists, DevOps engineers, and IT, ensuring that machine learning systems are reliable, secure, and scalable.

Machine learning systems are now ubiquitous in most tech practices. They enable predictive analytics, automate decision-making, and help drive productivity and innovation across industries through the role they play in everything from observability to cybersecurity, and customizations. Deploying machine learning models requires a robust operational framework — and this is where MLOps comes in.

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is a branch of AI that relies on data and algorithms to enable computers to learn and improve without explicit programming — similar to how humans learn. Machine learning algorithms process large amounts of data to uncover patterns. This trains them to make accurate predictions or decisions when queried.

Machine learning algorithms are used in a variety of applications, including recommendation engines, alert automations, fraud detection, natural language processing, and more. As data volumes continue to increase, machine learning systems help companies of all sizes automate certain tasks, deal with their data, grow, and innovate.

What is an MLOps framework?

An MLOps framework allows machine learning systems to be developed and deployed within organizations. The MLOps lifecycle begins with data preparation. This data is then fed into a machine-learning model to train and validate it. The model is then deployed, monitored, and re-trained, using the DevOps principles of continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD), automated testing, version control, model monitoring, and data governance. The goal of MLOps is to make the machine learning model lifecycle more efficient, scalable, and secure.

The role of MLOps in software development

In software development, MLOps helps unify the release cycle of machine learning and software applications. MLOps plays a crucial role in the integration of machine learning models into production systems. While traditional software development focuses on code, machine learning models also require careful management of data, algorithms, and computational resources. By providing a structured approach to model deployment, monitoring, and iteration, MLOps ensures that machine learning models can be deployed alongside traditional software — with consistent performance and minimal downtime.

Intersection with observability, cybersecurity, and customizations

MLOps intersects with observability, cybersecurity, and customizations on two fronts. Observability, cybersecurity, and customizations rely on machine learning capabilities for a variety of tasks, including alert automation, predictive analytics, planning, and optimization. Inversely, MLOps relies on observability, cybersecurity, and customizations to deliver the full advantage of machine learning models to organizations.

  • Observability: Applied to MLOps, observability practices help detect issues such as data drift or model degradation, which can impact the accuracy and reliability of predictions.
  • Cybersecurity: Like any aspect of a digital ecosystem, the MLOps pipeline can be vulnerable to a variety of threats. Implementing cybersecurity practices into the MLOps lifecycle means securing data, validating data integrity, and implementing robust access controls to protect models.
  • Customizations: In MLOps, customizations involve tailoring the ML pipeline — from data selection and preprocessing to model selection, and deployment strategies — to meet specific business problems or industry regulations. By integrating customizations into the MLOps workflow, organizations ensure that their machine learning solutions not only meet their needs but are also compliant with industry standards and best practices.

Understanding the intersection of observability, cybersecurity, customizations, and MLOps ultimately leads to better results: model accuracy, security, and reliability.

Components of MLOps

The MLOps lifecycle includes several components that facilitate the successful iteration and deployment of machine learning models. These components include continuous integration, data preparation, feature engineering, model training and evaluation, deployment, monitoring, and governance.

Continuous integration

Continuous integration (CI) is a core DevOps practice that involves automating the integration of code changes and merging them into source code. In the context of machine learning projects, continuous integration also includes the automated integration of changes to data and models. The practice of CI ensures that machine learning models are always deployable and working reliably.

Data preparation and feature engineering

The first key MLOps component is data preparation. It involves cleaning, transforming, and organizing raw data into a format suitable for the machine learning model's objectives. Data preparation can also include processes like aggregation and duplicate cleaning.

Feature engineering is an extension of the data preparation process, and involves transforming raw data into features that are used in supervised machine learning — broadly, in training. Features are new variables that help the model create relationships between data points and ultimately produce predictions. Feature engineering has a direct impact on a machine learning model's accuracy.

Model training, tuning, and evaluation

Model training is the process of feeding data into algorithms so the algorithm can map relationships or patterns in the data, and eventually produce predictions. Training can be supervised, unsupervised, or semi-supervised. Supervised learning requires labeled data sets, while unsupervised learning models don't. Semi-supervised learning relies on both labeled and unlabeled datasets to train an algorithm.

Tuning a model is the process of improving a model's performance, by adjusting the model's hyperparameters. Hyperparameters are the 'top-level' or encasing values that control a model's learning process.

Evaluating the model means testing the model on new data and validating it for its intended use case. It makes sure that the model is working as intended before it is deployed.

Model deployment

Once a machine learning model has been trained and validated, it is deployed to a production environment. There, it processes new data in the environment to make real-time predictions. Part of the deployment process involves continuous monitoring to ensure that the model is performing as intended under load.

Continuous monitoring and observability

Observability practices help monitor a model's performance by relying on metrics such as prediction accuracy, latency, and system health. Observability also helps get a broader view of the model's integration into an ecosystem by tracking usage resources and technical debt. This, in turn, allows engineers to adjust the model to improve overall system performance.

Data-centric management and data drift

Data-centric management is an important MLOps component that focuses on maintaining the quality and consistency of the data used in machine learning projects. When the statistical properties and characteristics of input data change, a model's performance may degrade. This is data drift. Monitoring for data drift is necessary to ensure optimal model performance, but also to ensure that data integrity is not compromised.


One business problem may have several machine learning solutions. Understanding which model suits a given business problem within a specific environment requires experimentation. Like in DevOps, this is a fundamental principle in MLOps — the approach to problem-solving is iterative and in search of continuous improvement.


Where there's data, there's governance. All organizations are bound by policies and procedures that ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and ethical standards. Monitoring the MLOps pipeline includes tracking experiments and managing model versions to ensure that machine language models meet regulatory requirements.

MLOps challenges

MLOps, though crucial to the management of machine learning projects, can be challenging from a cost, personnel, and resource perspective.

Initial setup costs

The initial setup of MLOps comes with significant costs: organizations must invest in the right infrastructure, tools, and people. Once these resources have been procured, organizations also deal with time-related cost challenges — initial data preparation can be a lengthy and expensive process.

Tool selection

Finding the right tools for a machine learning project requires expertise — and time. Given the wide range of options, keeping scalability, integration capabilities, and ease of use top of mind.

Skill requirements

MLOps is a collaborative process that relies on the expertise of data scientists, engineers, and IT professionals. Building and managing machine learning models requires a specialized skill set, so organizations will need to invest in sought-after personnel and training.

Maintenance and scalability

Maintaining an MLOps pipeline can be complex, especially if organizations increase the number of models and data sources. Scaling machine learning models can be resource-intensive, both for employees and systems. Finding the right platform and set of tools can make all the difference.

MLOps benefits

The benefits of MLOps can explain why machine learning integrations are sought-after. MLOps offers organizations enhanced observability, improved cybersecurity, increased efficiency, and easier model use.

Enhanced observability

MLOps integrates monitoring into its processes, which in turn provide additional important data to observability tools. They monitor performance and resource use, giving organizations a clearer picture of their operations.

Improved cybersecurity

By integrating security practices into the development cycle of machine learning models, MLOps ensures overall improved cybersecurity.

Increased efficiency

MLOps offers data scientists, DevOps engineers, and IT teams a reliable framework for the deployment and integration of machine learning models. This, along with automation, results in increased efficiency: teams can work faster and with increased agility.

Ease of use

MLOps practices simplify the management of machine models, making it easier for organizations to deploy and maintain models at scale. As a result, MLOps reduces the burden on data scientists, DevOps engineers, and IT teams, allowing them to focus on more strategic initiatives.

MLOps best practices

Adhering to MLOps best practices is crucial for effectively implementing machine learning models into systems. MLOps best practices include automating tasks, implementing continuous training and validation, and monitoring model performance and data quality.

Implementation strategies

A key MLOps implementation strategy is automation. By automating as many parts of the MLOps pipeline as possible — data preparation, model training, deployment, and monitoring — engineers can reduce manual errors, speed up the MLOps lifecycle, and focus on strategic tasks.

Optimization opportunities

In an MLOps lifecycle, there are plenty of optimization opportunities, especially in model performance and resource usage. By continually monitoring machine learning models, engineers can identify optimization opportunities and address those through re-training and validation. Performance monitoring helps identify and address issues such as latency or throughput bottlenecks. Actively seeking optimization also ensures that models remain accurate and produce relevant outputs.

Risk and compliance

In the context of MLOps, risk management involves implementing robust security protocols, conducting regular audits, and maintaining comprehensive documentation of all machine learning processes. By tracking model lineage and versions, organizations can ensure that they are complying with regulatory requirements and that their machine learning systems are secure.

Observability requirements

In MLOps, observability is essential to maintaining optimal model performance. Observability tools should monitor for data drift, model accuracy, fairness, and bias, as well as system-level metrics such as latency and throughput. Observability practices also shed light on how the MLOps lifecycle integrates with the DevOps cycle, as well as what impact it has on business outcomes.

MLOps with Elastic

Elastic's robust observability tools, real-time analytics, and powerful search capabilities that integrate machine learning let you identify slow response times, discover unusual behavior and assess threats, customize anomaly detection, and enhance your team and customers' search experiences.

Don't know how to get started with your data? Elastic's open, common data model, Elastic Common Schema (ECS), gives you the flexibility to collect, store, and visualize any data for easy data ingestion.

MLOps Resources