Capital markets
Create stability amidst volatility
Elastic enables capital markets professionals to consume information at lightspeed. Maximize performance, deliver holistic risk management, and create insights that generate alpha.

Connecting IT and business intelligence in capital markets
In an industry where uptime is critical, latency hinders returns, and a cyberattack can be catastrophic, it's essential to have complete visibility over your ecosystem. Learn how Elastic helps practitioners quickly bring together and see all relevant data to capitalize on opportunities and fix problems.
Top-of-mind topics
Success in the front and back office is dependent on the ability to provide accurate, fast responses to challenging questions. Learn how Elastic keeps your team moving through periods of high trading volume.
Digital transformation is a hot topic for leading financial services enterprises. Learn from experts at Microsoft and Elastic about how financial institutions can leverage technology to do more with data to meet new demands.
Hear insights from Elastic, Google Cloud, and ING as thought leaders discuss how to maintain trust, manage information, and turn regulation into an opportunity for innovation.
Elastic's hosted and self-managed products are built with security in mind. We work closely with industry experts and governing regulatory boards to adhere to sector-specific regulations.