Banking & Payments
Earn more interest on your data
Elastic helps banking and payments providers unlock their data to deliver exceptional journeys, powerful insights, and ultimate protection to clients and employees.

Search, observe, and protect your ecosystem
Banks and payment providers alike need a better way of finding what they need to know faster. Learn how Elastic helps reduce this search time across a range of use cases within retail and commercial banking, treasury services, and payments.
Combat fraud at cloud scale
More real-time data drives higher detection rates and fewer false positives. By bringing significantly more information into detection algorithms, you're able to better identify atypical customer behavior and combat fraud at a global scale.

Top-of-mind topics
Learn how Elastic enables banks and payment companies to unify siloed data structures, thereby creating customer 360 systems of engagement, and tailoring search experiences.
Learn how open banking is fueling the rise of an entirely new industry, and how Elastic enables secure experiences, rich insights, and unique features to drive compliance with local regulations.
Banks need to create an environment that enables them to be the perfect source or partner for transactions. Elastic provides the foundation to deliver relevant information securely to the right parties.
The need for modernized fraud technology is top of mind for the industry. Learn how improved biometrics, authentication tools, and search-powered solutions are winning the battle against bad actors.
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