
The executive guide to generative AI

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Findings page


The Findings page displays the configuration risks identified by the CSPM and KSPM integrations.

Findings page

What are CSPM findings?


CSPM findings indicate whether a given resource passed or failed evaluation against a specific security guideline. Each finding includes metadata about the resource evaluated and the security guideline used to evaluate it. Each finding’s result (pass or fail) indicates whether a particular part of your infrastructure meets a security guideline.

Group and filter findings


By default, the Findings page lists all findings, without grouping or filtering.

Group findings by resource

  1. Select Group byResource to display a list of resources sorted by their total number of failed findings.
  2. Click a resource ID to display the findings associated with that resource.

Filter findings


You can filter findings data in two ways:

  • The KQL search bar: For example, search for result.evaluation : failed to view all failed findings.
  • In-table value filters: Hover over a finding to display available inline actions. Use the Filter In (plus) and Filter Out (minus) buttons.

Remediate failed findings


To remediate failed findings and reduce your attack surface:

  1. First, filter for failed findings.
  2. Click the arrow to the left of a failed finding to open the findings flyout.
  3. Follow the steps under Remediation.

    Remediation steps typically include commands for you to execute. These sometimes contain placeholder values that you must replace before execution.

Generate alerts for failed Findings


You can create detection rules that detect specific failed findings directly from the Findings page.

  1. Click the arrow to the left of a Finding to open the findings flyout.
  2. Click Take action, then Create a detection rule. This automatically creates a detection rule that creates alerts when the associated benchmark rule generates a failed finding.
  3. To review or customize the new rule, click View rule.