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Benchmark rules


The Benchmark Integrations page lets you view the cloud security posture (CSP) benchmark rules for the Cloud security posture management (CSPM) and Kubernetes security posture management (KSPM) integrations.

Benchmark rules are used by these integrations to identify configuration risks in your cloud infrastructure. Benchmark rules are based on the Center for Internet Security’s (CIS) secure configuration benchmarks.

Each benchmark rule checks to see if a specific type of resource is configured according to a CIS Benchmark. The names of rules describe what they check, for example:

  • Ensure Kubernetes Secrets are encrypted using Customer Master Keys (CMKs) managed in AWS KMS
  • Ensure the default namespace is not in use
  • Ensure IAM policies that allow full "*:*" administrative privileges are not attached
  • Ensure the default namespace is not in use

When benchmark rules are evaluated, the resulting findings data appears on the Cloud Security Posture dashboard.

To find the Benchmark Integrations page, go to Rules → Benchmark rules. From there, you can view the benchmark rules associated with an existing integration by clicking the integration name.

Benchmark rules page

You can then click on a benchmark rule’s name to see details, including information about how to remediate failures and related links.

Benchmark rules are not editable.

How benchmark rules work

  1. When a security posture management integration is deployed, and every four hours after that, Elastic Agent fetches relevant cloud resources.
  2. After resources are fetched, they are evaluated against all applicable benchmark rules.
  3. Finding values of pass or fail indicate whether the standards defined by benchmark rules were met.
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