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What’s new in 8.4


What’s new in 8.4


Here are the highlights of what’s new and improved in 8.4. For detailed information about this release, check the release notes.

Previous versions: 8.3 | 8.2 | 8.1 | 8.0

Elastic release docs now in one place


With the new Check out the latest from Elastic page, you can easily find all the latest information about Elastic features and updates in a single location. This includes release highlights, breaking changes, bug fixes, and more.

New release docs page on

Meaningful data view names


You can now change the name of your data views, unique from the pattern of indices they match. This allows you to give data views more meaningful names, making them easier to find and manage.

UI where you can edit the data view name

The pattern is still visible via a tooltip.

New release docs page on

Visualization editors


Metric visualization


[preview] This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features. The new Metric visualization in Lens supports a consistent font sizing, allowing you to create more beautiful, multi-metric dashboards. For additional context, you can add a Secondary metric, which is useful for time shifts. Need to get multiple metrics arranged in a grid? Add the Break down by field. To boost your customization options, you can also include a range of values defined by a known static domain, dynamic quick function, or a custom formula.

Metric visualization in Lens

Rank by custom metrics


The new Rank by option in Lens allows you to rank your top values by an additional custom metric.

Rank by custom metrics in Lens

Standard deviation quick function


This simple, but powerful, statistical summary helps you understand more about how your metrics behave in Lens.

Drag and drop between layers


It’s now easier to work with multiple layers in Lens. Drag and drop fields between your layers when they are coming from the same data view.

Custom bounds for number histograms


In Lens, set extended data bounds for your number histogram axis, so you can display a known domain regardless of what data is showing.

Filter top values for specific terms


You can customize the Lens Top values function to include or exclude specific terms. To filter for fields with multiple values, you can choose to use this functionality over the global search. This can help prevent you from accidentally filtering out too much data.



Synchronize maps in dashboards


You can synchronize the maps on a dashboard, so when you zoom or move in one map, all maps move together. This enables you to see the same geo location for different data, accelerating time-to-insights.

Synchronize maps in a dashboard

Keyboard controls for zoom


Zoom in and out of maps using Shift+scroll instead of clicking the map options. This makes maps more usable in dashboards, while also saving you time.

Map in dashboard with prompts for using keyboard controls

Filter by cluster


Filter your map by cluster with one click. Before 8.4, filtering was only possible for individual documents.

Tooltip showing filter by cluster option in a map

Customize basemap color


Customize the color of your Elastic Basemaps to adapt to your brand colors, or just to make it more beautiful and readable.

Customize the basemap color in a map

Machine Learning


Inference threading parameters


When starting a trained model deployment, performance can be improved by the threading parameters of number of allocations and threads per allocation.

Each allocation means the model gets another CPU thread for executing parallel inference requests, so increasing the number of allocations increases the throughput of all requests. In turn, threads per allocation sets the number of threads used by each model allocation during inference, so increasing this parameter improves the latency for each request.

From 8.4, you can set these two parameters in the UI when starting a trained model deployment.

Using the UI to set `number of allocations` and `threads per allocation`

Log rate spikes in AIOps


Log spike analysis provides an on-demand option to quickly discover possible root cause of a log rate increase. This option compares the data across the other fields and values in the index and identifies which ones most likely correlate to the spike in a recent baseline.

Log spike in a baseline

Data Visualizer chart optimized


The Data Visualizer now uses the random sampler aggregation when creating the document count histogram chart. The new sampling method ensures that a sufficient sample size is used to draw the chart and calculate the document count. Random sampling is on by default and automatically calculates the optimal possibility. You can also set this manually or turn it off.

Data Visualizer chart optimized with random sampler aggregation



Set query type for Elasticsearch query


You can now specify a KQL or Lucene query when building Elasticsearch query rules in Stack Management.

Select a KQL or Lucene query type for your Elasticsearch query rules

Webhook - Case Management connector


The new Webhook - Case Management connector and action enable you to send POST, PUT, and GET requests to a case management RESTful API web service. You can use this connector with cases in Observability, Stack Management, and Elastic Security.

Schedules for snoozing notifications


Starting in 8.2, you could suppress the notifications and actions for your rules for a specific duration. In 8.4, you can also schedule these single or recurring downtimes to start and end at specific dates and times.

Snooze notifications for a rule in Stack Management > Rules and Connectors

New metrics for rules and actions


You can now ship metrics related to alerting features to your monitoring cluster by using Elastic Agent or Metricbeat. Click Overview and Instances in the Kibana section of Stack Monitoring to see visualizations about the rules and actions that are queued, running, or failing.

Stack Monitoring overview metrics for Kibana



Comments in request body


Ever look at a massive request body and struggle to recall why you configured it that way? In 8.4, you can write comments inside the request body and leave yourself notes about its configuration. You can even comment out specific lines to temporarily disable them and try out other variations of the request.

Variable definitions


You can now define variables in Console and reuse them in your requests. You can refer to variables in the paths and bodies of your requests, as many times as you like.

What it looks like to define variables and consume them in a request in Console

HTTP status badges


Each response now includes an HTTP status badge. This makes it easier to tell which request failed and which succeeded. The most severe status is at the top of the UI, so you can quickly get a sense of whether any of your requests had trouble.

What it looks like to define variables and consume them in a request in Console