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Fleet and Elastic Agent 8.17.4


Review important information about the 8.17.4 release.

New features


The 8.17.4 release adds the following new and notable features.

Elastic Agent
  • Add managed OTLP endpoint sample configurations. #6630


Elastic Agent
  • Improve kubernetes_secrets provider secret logging. #6841 #6187
  • Include all metadata that is sent to Fleet in the agent-info.yaml file in diagnostics by default. #7029
  • Add API key prefix to managed OTLP endpoint host configurations in EDOT collector kube stack Helm chart. #7063

Bug fixes

Elastic Agent
  • Add conditions to the copy_fields processors used with Elastic Agent self-monitoring to prevent spamming the debug logs. #6730 #5299
  • Improve message when Fleet Server’s audit API endpoint returns a 401 Unauthorized response. #6735 #6711
  • Fix secret_paths redaction along complex paths in diagnostics. #6710
  • Make enroll command backoff more conservative and add backoff when using --delay-enroll. #6983 #6761
  • Fix an issue where fixpermissions on Windows incorrectly returned an error message due to improper handling of Windows API return values. #7059 #6917
  • Support IPv6 hosts in enroll URL. #7036
  • Support IPv6 hosts in GRPC configuration. #7035
  • Rotate logger output file when writing to a symbolic link. #6938
  • Do not fail Windows permission updates on missing files or paths. #7305 #7301
  • Make otelcol script executable in the Docker image. #7345
  • Fix Elasticsearch exporter configuration in kube-stack values. #7380
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