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Enabling and disabling advanced indexing features for Fleet-managed data streams


Enabling and disabling advanced indexing features for Fleet-managed data streams


Fleet provides support for several advanced features around its data streams, including:

These features can be enabled and disabled for Fleet-managed data streams by using the index template API and a few key settings. Note that in versions 8.17.0 and later, Synthetic _source requires an Enterprise license.

If you are already making use of @custom component templates for ingest or retention customization (as shown for example in Tutorial: Customize data retention policies), exercise care to ensure you don’t overwrite your customizations when making these requests.

We recommended using Kibana Dev Tools to run the following requests. Replace <NAME> with the name of a given integration data stream. For example specifying metrics-nginx.stubstatus results in making a PUT request to _component_template/metrics-nginx.stubstatus@custom. Use the index management interface to explore what integration data streams are available to you.

Once you’ve executed a given request below, you also need to execute a data stream rollover to ensure any incoming data is ingested with your new settings immediately. For example:

POST metrics-nginx.stubstatus-default/_rollover

Refer to the following steps to enable or disable advanced data stream features:

Enable TSDS


TSDS uses synthetic _source, so if you want to trial both features you need to enable only TSDS.

Due to restrictions in the Elasticsearch API, TSDS must be enabled at the index template level. So, you’ll need to make some sequential requests to enable or disable TSDS.

  1. Send a GET request to retrieve the index template:

    GET _index_template/<NAME>
  2. Use the JSON payload returned from the GET request to populate a PUT request, for example:

    PUT _index_template/<NAME>
      # You can copy & paste this directly from the GET request above
      "index_patterns": [
        "<index pattern from GET request>"
      # Make sure this is added
      "template": {
        "settings": {
          "index": {
            "mode": "time_series"
      # You can copy & paste this directly from the GET request above
      "composed_of": [
      # You can copy & paste this directly from the GET request above
      "priority": 200,
      # Make sure this is added
      "data_stream": {
        "allow_custom_routing": false

Disable TSDS


To disable TSDS, follow the same procedure as to enable TSDS, but specify null for index.mode instead of time_series. Follow the steps below or you can copy the NGINX example.

  1. Send a GET request to retrieve the index template:

    GET _index_template/<NAME>
  2. Use the JSON payload returned from the GET request to populate a PUT request, for example:

    PUT _index_template/<NAME>
      # You can copy/paste this directly from the GET request above
      "index_patterns": [
        "<index pattern from GET request>"
      # Make sure this is added
      "template": {
        "settings": {
          "index": {
            "mode": null
      # You can copy/paste this directly from the GET request above
      "composed_of": [
      # You can copy/paste this directly from the GET request above
      "priority": 200,
      # Make sure this is added
      "data_stream": {
        "allow_custom_routing": false

    For example, the following payload disables TSDS on nginx.stubstatus:

      "index_patterns": [
      "template": {
        "settings": {
          "index": {
            "mode": null
      "composed_of": [
      "priority": 200,
      "data_stream": {
        "allow_custom_routing": false

Enable synthetic _source

PUT _component_template/<NAME>@custom
  "settings": {
    "index": {
      "mapping": {
        "source": {
          "mode": "synthetic"

Disable synthetic _source

PUT _component_template/<NAME>@custom
  "settings": {
    "index": {
      "mapping": {
        "source": {"mode": "stored"}
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