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Fix other role nodes out of disk


Fix other role nodes out of disk


Elasticsearch can use dedicated nodes to execute other functions apart from storing data or coordinating the cluster, for example machine learning. If one or more of these nodes are running out of space, you need to ensure that they have enough disk space to function. If the health API reports that a node that is not a master and does not contain data is out of space you need to increase the disk capacity of this node.

  1. Log in to the Elastic Cloud console.
  2. On the Elasticsearch Service panel, click the gear under the Manage deployment column that corresponds to the name of your deployment.
  3. Go to Actions > Edit deployment and then go to the Coordinating instances or the Machine Learning instances section depending on the roles listed in the diagnosis:

    Increase disk capacity of other nodes
  4. Choose a larger than the pre-selected capacity configuration from the drop-down menu and click save. Wait for the plan to be applied and the problem should be resolved.
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