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Restore snapshot API


Restores a snapshot of a cluster or specified data streams and indices.

response = client.snapshot.restore(
  repository: 'my_repository',
  snapshot: 'my_snapshot'
puts response
POST /_snapshot/my_repository/my_snapshot/_restore



POST /_snapshot/<repository>/<snapshot>/_restore


  • If you use Elasticsearch security features, you must have the manage or cluster:admin/snapshot/* cluster privilege to use this API.
  • You can only restore a snapshot to a running cluster with an elected master node. The snapshot’s repository must be registered and available to the cluster.
  • The snapshot and cluster versions must be compatible. See Snapshot compatibility.
  • To restore a snapshot, the cluster’s global metadata must be writable. Ensure there aren’t any cluster blocks that prevent writes. The restore operation ignores index blocks.
  • Before you restore a data stream, ensure the cluster contains a matching index template with data stream enabled. To check, use Kibana’s Index Management feature or the get index template API:

    response = client.indices.get_index_template(
      name: '*',
      filter_path: ',index_templates.index_template.index_patterns,index_templates.index_template.data_stream'
    puts response
    GET _index_template/*?,index_templates.index_template.index_patterns,index_templates.index_template.data_stream

    If no such template exists, you can create one or restore a cluster state that contains one. Without a matching index template, a data stream can’t roll over or create backing indices.

  • If your snapshot contains data from App Search or Workplace Search, ensure you’ve restored the Enterprise Search encryption key before restoring the snapshot.

Path parameters

(Required, string) Name of the repository to restore a snapshot from.
(Required, string) Name of the snapshot to restore.

Query parameters

(Optional, time units) Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. Defaults to 30s.

(Optional, Boolean) If true, the request returns a response when the restore operation completes. The operation is complete when it finishes all attempts to recover primary shards for restored indices. This applies even if one or more of the recovery attempts fail.

If false, the request returns a response when the restore operation initializes. Defaults to false.

Request body

(Optional, Boolean) If true, the request ignores any index or data stream in indices that’s missing from the snapshot. If false, the request returns an error for any missing index or data stream. Defaults to false.

(Optional, string or array of strings) Index settings to not restore from the snapshot. You can’t use this option to ignore index.number_of_shards.

For data streams, this option only applies to restored backing indices. New backing indices are configured using the data stream’s matching index template.

(Optional, Boolean) If true, the request restores aliases for any restored data streams and indices. If false, the request doesn’t restore aliases. Defaults to true.

(Optional, Boolean) If true, restore the cluster state. Defaults to false.

The cluster state includes:

If include_global_state is true then the restore operation merges the legacy index templates in your cluster with the templates contained in the snapshot, replacing any existing ones whose name matches one in the snapshot. It completely removes all persistent settings, non-legacy index templates, ingest pipelines and ILM lifecycle policies that exist in your cluster and replaces them with the corresponding items from the snapshot.

Use the feature_states parameter to configure how feature states are restored.

If include_global_state is true and a snapshot was created without a global state then the restore request will fail.


(Optional, array of strings) Feature states to restore.

If include_global_state is true, the request restores all feature states in the snapshot by default. If include_global_state is false, the request restores no feature states by default. Note that specifying an empty array will result in the default behavior. To restore no feature states, regardless of the include_global_state value, specify an array containing only the value none (["none"]).


(Optional, object) Index settings to add or change in restored indices, including backing indices. You can’t use this option to change index.number_of_shards.

For data streams, this option only applies to restored backing indices. New backing indices are configured using the data stream’s matching index template.


(Optional, string or array of strings) Comma-separated list of indices and data streams to restore. Supports multi-target syntax. Defaults to all regular indices and regular data streams in the snapshot.

You can’t use this parameter to restore system indices or system data streams. Use feature_states instead.


(Optional, Boolean) If false, the entire restore operation will fail if one or more indices included in the snapshot do not have all primary shards available. Defaults to false.

If true, allows restoring a partial snapshot of indices with unavailable shards. Only shards that were successfully included in the snapshot will be restored. All missing shards will be recreated as empty.


(Optional, string) Defines a rename pattern to apply to restored data streams and indices. Data streams and indices matching the rename pattern will be renamed according to rename_replacement.

The rename pattern is applied as defined by the regular expression that supports referencing the original text, according to the appendReplacement logic.

(Optional, string) Defines the rename replacement string. See rename_pattern for more information.



Restore renamed


The following request restores index_1 and index_2 from snapshot_2. The rename_pattern and rename_replacement parameters indicate any index matching the regular expression index_(.+) will be renamed using the pattern restored_index_$1 when restored.

For example, index_1 will be renamed to restored_index_1. index_2 will be renamed to restored_index_2.

response = client.snapshot.restore(
  repository: 'my_repository',
  snapshot: 'snapshot_2',
  wait_for_completion: true,
  body: {
    indices: 'index_1,index_2',
    ignore_unavailable: true,
    include_global_state: false,
    rename_pattern: 'index_(.+)',
    rename_replacement: 'restored_index_$1',
    include_aliases: false
puts response
POST /_snapshot/my_repository/snapshot_2/_restore?wait_for_completion=true
  "indices": "index_1,index_2",
  "ignore_unavailable": true,
  "include_global_state": false,
  "rename_pattern": "index_(.+)",
  "rename_replacement": "restored_index_$1",
  "include_aliases": false

The API returns an acknowledgement if the request succeeds. If the request encounters errors, the response indicates any issues found, such as open indices that are blocking the restore operation from completing.

Restore in-place


You may want to restore an index in-place, for example when no alternative options surface after the Cluster allocation explain API reports no_valid_shard_copy.

The following request closes index_1 and then restores it in-place from the snapshot_2 snapshot in the my_repository repository.

response = client.indices.close(
  index: 'index_1'
puts response

response = client.snapshot.restore(
  repository: 'my_repository',
  snapshot: 'snapshot_2',
  wait_for_completion: true,
  body: {
    indices: 'index_1'
puts response
POST index_1/_close

POST /_snapshot/my_repository/snapshot_2/_restore?wait_for_completion=true
  "indices": "index_1"