Convert Processor


Converts an existing field’s value to a different type, such as converting a string to an integer. If the field value is an array, all members will be converted.

The supported types include: integer, float, string, boolean, and auto.

Specifying boolean will set the field to true if its string value is equal to true (ignore case), to false if its string value is equal to false (ignore case), or it will throw an exception otherwise.

Specifying auto will attempt to convert the string-valued field into the closest non-string type. For example, a field whose value is "true" will be converted to its respective boolean type: true. And a value of "242.15" will "automatically" be converted to 242.15 of type float. If a provided field cannot be appropriately converted, the Convert Processor will still process successfully and leave the field value as-is. In such a case, target_field will still be updated with the unconverted field value.

Table 15. Convert Options

Name Required Default Description




The field whose value is to be converted




The field to assign the converted value to, by default field is updated in-place




The type to convert the existing value to




If true and field does not exist or is null, the processor quietly exits without modifying the document

  "convert": {
    "field" : "foo",
    "type": "integer"