
The executive guide to generative AI

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Scripting changes


Groovy, JavaScript, and Python languages removed


The Groovy, JavaScript, and Python scripting languages were deprecated in elasticsearch 5.0 and have now been removed. Use painless instead.

Native scripts removed


Native scripts have been removed. Instead, implement a ScriptEngine.

File scripts removed


File scripts have been removed. Instead, use stored scripts. The associated setting path.scripts has also been removed.

Date fields now return dates


doc.some_date_field.value now returns ReadableDateTimes instead of milliseconds since epoch as a long. The same is true for doc.some_date_field[some_number]. Use doc.some_date_field.value.millis to fetch the milliseconds since epoch if you need it.

Removed access to index internal via the _index variable


The _index variable has been removed. If you used it for advanced scoring, consider writing a Similarity plugin.

Script Settings


All of the existing scripting security settings have been removed. Instead they are replaced with script.allowed_types and script.allowed_contexts.

lang can no longer be specified when using a stored script as part of a request


The lang variable can no longer be specified as part of a request that uses a stored script otherwise an error will occur. Note that a request using a stored script is different from a request that puts a stored script. The language of the script has already been stored as part of the cluster state and an id is sufficient to access all of the information necessary to execute a stored script.

'lang` can no longer be used when putting, getting, or deleting a stored script


Stored scripts can no longer have the lang parameter specified as part of the url when performing PUT, GET, and DELETE actions on the _scripts/ path. All stored scripts must have a unique id as the namespace is only id now and no longer lang and id.

Stored search template apis removed


The PUT, GET and DELETE _search/template apis have been removed. Store search templates with the stored scripts apis instead.

For example, previously one might have stored a search template with the following:

PUT /_search/template/custom_template
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "f1": "{{f1}}"

And instead one would now use the following:

PUT /_scripts/custom_template
  "script": {
    "lang": "mustache",
    "source": {
      "query": {
        "match": {
          "f1": "{{f1}}"