Has Parent Filter


Has Parent Filter


The has_parent filter accepts a query and a parent type. The query is executed in the parent document space, which is specified by the parent type. This filter returns child documents which associated parents have matched. For the rest has_parent filter has the same options and works in the same manner as the has_child filter.

The has_parent filter is available from version 0.19.10. This is an experimental filter.

Filter example

    "has_parent" : {
        "parent_type" : "blog",
        "query" : {
            "term" : {
                "tag" : "something"

The parent_type field name can also be abbreviated to type.

The way that the filter is implemented is by first running the parent query, doing the matching up to the child doc for each document matched.

The has_parent filter also accepts a filter instead of a query:

    "has_parent" : {
        "type" : "blog",
        "filter" : {
            "term" : {
                "text" : "bonsai three"

Memory considerations


With the current implementation, all _id values are loaded to memory (heap) in order to support fast lookups, so make sure there is enough memory for it.



The has_parent filter cannot be cached in the filter cache. The _cache and _cache_key options are a no-op in this filter. Also any filter that wraps the has_parent filter either directly or indirectly will not be cached.