
文章作者 Roy Zanbel

Principal Product Manager, Elastic Cloud, Elastic

Principal Product Manager

Roy is a principal product manager and part of the team in charge of the Elastic Cloud product line that includes Elasticsearch Service, Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes, and Elastic Cloud Enterprise. He has years of experience working with bleeding-edge cloud technologies and distributed computing


使用 Elastic Cloud 跨区域和云服务提供商进行搜索和复制

借助现已在 Elastic Cloud 上正式推出的跨集群搜索和复制功能,在全球不同区域和云服务提供商之间轻松搜索和复制数据。


Elastic Cloud:Elasticsearch 服务 API 现推出 GA 版

了解您能从 API 中收获哪些益处,包括将其与 ecctl(我们的命令行工具)搭配使用以创建和管理部署。