Ishleen Kaur

Customize your data ingestion with Elastic input packages

In this post, learn about input packages and how they can provide a flexible solution to advanced users for customizing their ingestion experience in Elastic.

5 min read
Customize your data ingestion with Elastic input packages

Elastic® has enabled the collection, transformation, and analysis of data flowing between the external data sources and Elastic Observability Solution through integrations. Integration packages achieve this by encapsulating several components, including agent configuration, inputs for data collection, and assets like ingest pipelines, data streams, index templates, and visualizations. The breadth of these assets supported in the Elastic Stack increases day by day.

This blog dives into how input packages provide an extremely generic and flexible solution to the advanced users for customizing their ingestion experience in Elastic.

What are input packages?

An Elastic Package is an artifact that contains a collection of assets that extend the Elastic Stack, providing new capabilities to accomplish a specific task like integration with an external data source. The first use of Elastic packages is integration packages, which provide an end-to-end experience — from configuring Elastic Agent, to collecting signals from the data source, to ingesting them correctly and using the data once ingested.

However, advanced users may need to customize data collection, either because an integration does not exist for a specific data source, or even if it does, they want to collect additional signals or in a different way. Input packages are another type of Elastic package that provides the capability to configure Elastic Agent to use the provided inputs in a custom way.

Let’s look at an example

Say hello to Julia, who works as an engineer at Ascio Innovation firm. She is currently working with Oracle Weblogic server and wants to get a set of metrics for monitoring it. She goes ahead and installs Elastic Oracle Weblogic Integration, which uses Jolokia in the backend to fetch the metrics.

Now, her team wants to advance in the monitoring and has the following requirements:

  1. We should be able to extract metrics other than the default ones, which are not supported by the default Oracle Weblogic Integration.

  2. We want to have our own bespoke pipelines, visualizations, and experience.

  3. We should be able to identify the metrics coming in from two different instances of Weblogic Servers by having data mapped to separate indices.

All the above requirements can be met by using the Jolokia input package to get a customized experience. Let's see how.

Julia can add the configuration of Jolokia input package as below, fulfilling the first requirement.

hostname, JMX Mappings for the fields you want to fetch for the JVM application, and the data set name to which the response fields would get mapped.

Julia can customize her data by writing her own ingest pipelines and providing her customized mappings. Also, she can then build her own bespoke dashboards, hence meeting her second requirement.

Let’s say now Julia wants to use another instance of Oracle Weblogic and get a different set of metrics.

This can be achieved by adding another instance of Jolokia input package and specifying a new data set name as shown in the screenshot below. The resultant metrics will be mapped to a different index/data set hence fulfilling her third requirement. This will help Julia to differentiate metrics coming in from two different instances of Oracle Weblogic.

The resultant metrics of the query will be indexed to the new data set, jolokia_second_dataset in the below example.

As we can see above, the Jolokia input package provides the flexibility to get new metrics by specifying different JMX Mappings, which are not supported in the default Oracle Weblogic integration (the user gets metrics from a predetermined set of JMX Mappings).

The Jolokia Input package also can be used for monitoring any Java-based application, which pushes its metrics through JMX. So a single input package can be used to collect metrics from multiple Java applications/services.

Elastic input packages

Elastic has started supporting input packages from the 8.8.0 release. Some of the input packages are now available in beta and will mature gradually:

  1. SQL input package: The SQL input package allows you to execute queries against any SQL database and store the results in Elasticsearch®.

  2. Prometheus input package: This input package can collect metrics from Prometheus Exporters (Collectors).It can be used by any service exporting its metrics to a Prometheus endpoint.

  3. Jolokia input package: This input package collects metrics from Jolokia agents running on a target JMX server or dedicated proxy server. It can be used for monitoring any Java-based application, which pushes its metrics through JMX.

  4. Statsd input package: The statsd input package spawns a UDP server and listens for metrics in StatsD compatible format. This input can be used to collect metrics from services that send data over the StatsD protocol.

  5. GCP Metrics input package: The GCP Metrics input package can collect custom metrics for any GCP service.

Try it out!

Now that you know more about input packages, try building your own customized integration for your service through input packages, and get started with an Elastic Cloud free trial.

We would love to hear from you about your experience with input packages on the Elastic Discuss forum or in the Elastic Integrations repository.

The release and timing of any features or functionality described in this post remain at Elastic's sole discretion. Any features or functionality not currently available may not be delivered on time or at all.

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