
The executive guide to generative AI

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Configure individual browser monitors


This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

This is only relevant for Project Monitors. For more information on configuring browser monitors added in the Uptime app UI, refer to Use the Uptime app.

After writing synthetic journeys, you can use monitor.use to configure the browser monitors that will run your tests.

You’ll need to set a few configuration options:

  • Give your monitor a name. Provide a human readable name and a unique ID for the monitor. This will appear in Kibana where you can view and manage monitors after they’re created.
  • Set the schedule. Specify the interval at which your tests will run.
  • Specify where the monitors should run. You can run monitors on Elastic’s global managed testing infrastructure or create a private location to run monitors from your own premises.
  • Set other options as needed. There are several other options you can set to customize your implementation including params, tags, screenshot options, throttling options, and more.

Configure each monitor directly in your journey code using monitor.use. The monitor API allows you to set unique options for each journey’s monitor directly through code. For example:

import { journey, step, monitor, expect } from '@elastic/synthetics';

journey('Ensure placeholder is correct', ({ page, params }) => {
    id: 'example-monitor',
    schedule: 10,
    throttling: {
      download: 10,
      upload: 5,
      latency: 100,
  step('Load the demo page', async () => {
    await page.goto('');
  step('Assert placeholder text', async () => {
    const placeholderValue = await page.getAttribute(
    expect(placeholderValue).toBe('What needs to be done?');

For each journey, you can specify its schedule and the locations in which it runs. When those options are not set, Synthetics will use the default values in the global configuration file. For more details, refer to Synthetic tests configuration.

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