
The executive guide to generative AI

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Manage synthetic monitors


This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

After you’ve created a synthetic monitor, you can update the contents of the tests that they run, update the monitor’s configuration, and permanently delete monitors.

The way you manage browser monitors will depend on how you created the monitor:

  • If you used Project monitors, you’ll manage the monitors using the monitor API or in Kibana’s Monitor Management UI.
  • If you used Heartbeat, you’ll manage the monitors in the Heartbeat config file.
  • If you used Elastic Agent, you’ll manage the monitors in Kibana’s Integrations UI.

Update a journey


After you create a monitor, you might want to update the journey it runs. If you update your UI, for example, you may want to update your journey’s selectors and assertions.

Update the tests in the directory specified in the source.zip_url you referenced in the Heartbeat configuration file, and the changes will be reflected in the monitors.

If you’re using inline monitors within your heartbeat.yml configuration file, update your monitors directly in that file.

Update a monitor’s configuration


You might also want to update the monitor’s configuration. For example, you might want to change the interval at which the monitor runs a test.

Update the relevant options in the Heartbeat configuration file, and the changes will be reflected in the monitors.

Delete a synthetic monitor


Eventually you might want to delete a monitor altogether. For example, if the user journey you were validating no longer exists.

Alternatively, you can temporarily disable a monitor by updating the monitor’s configuration in your journey’s code.

To remove a monitor using Heartbeat, delete the monitor entry in the heartbeat.yml file.

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