Vector styling


When styling a vector layer, you can customize your data by property, such as size and color. For each property, you can specify whether to use a constant or dynamic value for the style.

Style properties


You can configure the following properties.

Fill color

The fill color of the vector features.

LineString and MultiLineString geometries do not have fill and do not use the fill color property. Set border color to style line geometries.

Border color
The border color of the vector features.
Border width
The border width of the vector features.
Symbol size
The symbol size of point features.

Static styling


Use static styling to specificy a constant value for a style property.

This image shows an example of static styling using the Kibana sample web logs data set. The kibana_sample_data_logs layer uses static styling for all properties.

vector style static

Data driven styling


Use data driven styling to symbolize features from a range of numeric property values. To enable data driven styling, click gs link icon next to the property.

The gs link icon button is only available for vector features that contain numeric properties.

This image shows an example of data driven styling using the Kibana sample web logs data set. The kibana_sample_data_logs layer uses data driven styling for fill color and symbol size style properties.

  • The hour_of_day property determines the fill color for each feature based on where the value fits on a linear scale. Light green circles symbolize documents that occur earlier in the day, and dark green circles symbolize documents that occur later in the day.
  • The bytes property determines the size of each symbol based on where the value fits on a linear scale. Smaller circles symbolize documents with smaller payloads, and larger circles symbolize documents with larger payloads.
vector style dynamic

Class styling


Class styling symbolizes features by class and requires multiple layers. Use layer filtering to define the class for each layer, and static styling to symbolize each class.

This image shows an example of class styling using the Kibana sample web logs data set.

  • The Mac OS requests layer applies the filter machine.os : osx so the layer only contains Mac OS requests. The fill color is a static value of green.
  • The Window OS requests layer applies the filter machine.os : win* so the layer only contains Window OS requests. The fill color is a static value of red.
vector style class