

Connectors provide a central place to store connection information for services and integrations with third party systems. Actions are instantiations of a connector that are linked to rules and run as background tasks on the Kibana server when rule conditions are met. Kibana provides the following types of connectors:


Send email from your server.

IBM Resilient

Create an incident in IBM Resilient.


Index data into Elasticsearch.


Create an incident in Jira.

Microsoft Teams

Send a message to a Microsoft Teams channel.


Send an event in PagerDuty.


Add a message to a Kibana log.


Create an incident in ServiceNow.


Send a message to a Slack channel or user.


Send a request to a web service.

Some connector types are paid commercial features, while others are free. For a comparison of the Elastic subscription levels, see the subscription page.

Managing Connectors


Rules use Connectors to route actions to different destinations like log files, ticketing systems, and messaging tools. While each Kibana app can offer their own types of rules, they typically share connectors. The Connectors tab offers a central place to view and manage all the connectors in the current space.

For more information on connectors and the types of actions available see Connectors.

Example connector listing in the Rules and Connectors UI

Required permissions


Access to connectors is granted based on your privileges to alerting-enabled features. See Alerting Security for more information.

Connector list


The Connectors tab lists all connectors in the current space. The search bar can be used to find specific connectors by name and/or type.

Filtering the connector list using the search bar

The type dropdown also lets you filter to a subset of connector types.

Filtering the connector list by types of connectors

You can delete individual connectors using the trash icon. Connectors can also be deleted in bulk by multi-selecting them and clicking the Delete button to the left of the search box.

Deleting connectors individually or in bulk

You can delete a connector even if there are still actions referencing it. When this happens the action will fail to execute, and appear as errors in the Kibana logs.

Creating a new connector


New connectors can be created by clicking the Create connector button, which will guide you to select the type of connector and configure its properties. Refer to Connectors for the types of connectors available and how to configure them. Once you create a connector it will be made available to you anytime you set up an action in the current space.

Connector select type

Preconfigured connectors


For out-of-the-box and standardized connectors, you can preconfigure connectors before Kibana starts.