
  "services": {

Services are persisted objects that are used by multiple panels. There are currently 2 services that attach to the dashboard object and if omitted will be automatically populated with query and filter services.

  • Query
  • Filter


    "query": {
      "list": {
        "0": {
          "query": "play_name:\"Romeo and Juliet\"",
          "alias": "",
          "color": "#7EB26D",
          "id": 0,
          "pin": false,
          "type": "lucene",
          "enable": true
      "ids": [

The query service is controlled largely by the query dropdown at the top of the dashboard. It has 2 properties:

  • List: An object made of numericly keyed objects, each describing a query object. The query keys are fairly self explanitory and describe the look and behavior of the query input.
  • Ids: An array of IDs that must match the keys in the list. The ids array is used for ordering the list for the purpose of display.


    "filter": {
      "list": {
        "0": {
          "type": "querystring",
          "query": "speaker:ROMEO",
          "mandate": "must",
          "active": true,
          "alias": "",
          "id": 0
      "ids": [

Filters behave much like queries, but are not selectable on a panel level, they filter the entire dashboard view. Much like the query service, there are are two properties: list and ids. Each of these behaves like their query counter part.