Elastic connectors


Elastic connectors


This feature is not available at all Elastic subscription levels. Refer to the Elastic subscriptions pages for Elastic Cloud and self-managed deployments.

A connector is a type of Elastic integration that syncs content from an original data source to an Elastic deployment. Each connector extracts the original content and transform it into documents within Elasticsearch.

Your organization may store content across a variety of service providers, such as Atlassian, Box, Dropbox, Google, Microsoft, and many others. Use connectors to transform this content into searchable content, all within a single Elastic deployment.

Since version 8.4, Elastic provides tools to build your own connectors that write directly to Elasticsearch.

Elastic also maintains a library of connectors that are ready to use. These connectors are available through Workplace Search.

Learn more in the following sections:

Building a connector (technical preview)


This feature is in technical preview. Features in technical preview are subject to change and are not covered by the service level agreement (SLA) of features that have reached general availability (GA).

The Elastic Enterprise Search connectors repository provides tools that enable organizations to build and operate their own connectors that write directly to Elasticsearch.

This feature is available as a technical preview, and Elastic values your feedback. Several resources are also available to request help.

View the tools and documentation:

Request help and provide feedback:

Workplace Search connectors


Elastic Workplace Search provides connectors that sync data to content sources. A content source is an abstraction for working with an Elasticsearch index.

Because Workplace Search tools are abstractions, they are designed to work well with other Workplace Search tools. Traditionally, Workplace Search connectors sync data to Workplace Search content sources, and you search those content sources using a search UI specific to Workplace Search.

However, you can now use additional Elastic tools with your Workplace Search documents. For example, you can search Workplace Search content sources using Elastic Search UI and its Workplace Search connector.

You can also access the Elasticsearch index underlying any Workplace Search content source. Using this technique, you can search and manage your Workplace Search documents using tools designed for Elasticsearch indices in addition to the tools designed for Workplace Search content sources.

Read the Workplace Search documentation:

Learn to use Search UI with Workplace Search: