- Enterprise Search Python client: other versions:
- Overview
- Installation
- Connecting
- App Search APIs
- Workplace Search APIs
- Enterprise Search APIs
- Release Notes
Enterprise Search APIs
editEnterprise Search APIs
editOn this page
Initializing the Client
editEnterprise Search APIs are used for managing the Enterprise Search deployment.
Some of the APIs require HTTP basic auth of a user on the Elasticsearch cluster that has access to managing the cluster.
from elastic_enterprise_search import EnterpriseSearch enterprise_search = EnterpriseSearch( "https://localhost:3002", http_auth=("elastic", "<password>") )
Deployment Health API
editChecks the status and health of the Enterprise Search deployment
using the get_health()
# Request: enterprise_search.get_health() # Response: { "esqueues_me": { "Work::Engine::EngineDestroyer": { "created_at": 1611783321211, "processing_latency": 1167, "processing_started_at": 1611783322377, "scheduled_at": 1611783321210, "time_since_last_processed": 70015969, "time_since_last_scheduled": 70017136 }, ... }, "filebeat": { "alive": True, "pid": 134, "restart_count": 0, "seconds_since_last_restart": -1 }, "jvm": { "gc": { "collection_count": 149, "collection_time": 3534, "garbage_collectors": { "PS MarkSweep": { "collection_count": 5, "collection_time": 1265 }, "PS Scavenge": { "collection_count": 144, "collection_time": 2269 } } }, "memory_pools": [ "Code Cache", "Metaspace", "Compressed Class Space", "PS Eden Space", "PS Survivor Space", "PS Old Gen" ], "memory_usage": { "heap_committed": 1786773504, "heap_init": 1073741824, "heap_max": 1908932608, "heap_used": 674225760, "non_heap_committed": 421683200, "non_heap_init": 2555904, "object_pending_finalization_count": 0 }, "pid": 6, "threads": { "daemon_thread_count": 23, "peak_thread_count": 54, "thread_count": 50, "total_started_thread_count": 840 }, "uptime": 41033501, "vm_name": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM", "vm_vendor": "AdoptOpenJDK", "vm_version": "25.252-b09" }, "name": "f1b653d1bbd8", "system": { "java_version": "1.8.0_252", "jruby_version": "", "os_name": "Linux", "os_version": "5.4.0-54-generic" }, "version": { "build_date": "2021-01-06T15:24:44Z", "build_hash": "3a6edf8029dd285b60f1a6d63c741f46df7f195f", "number": "7.12.0" } }
Read-Only Mode APIs
editYou can get and set Read-Only Mode
with the get_read_only()
and put_read_only()
# Request: enterprise_search.get_read_only() # Response: { "enabled": False } # Request: enterprise_search.put_read_only(enabled=True) # Response: { "enabled": True }
Deployment Stats API
editGets stats about internal processes and data structures used within
your Enterprise Search deployment using the get_stats()
# Request: enterprise_search.get_stats() # Response: { "app": { "end": "2021-01-28T17:06:43+00:00", "metrics": { "counters.http.request.302": 2, "counters.http.request.all": 2, "timers.actastic.relation.document_count": { "max": 1.8278780044056475, "mean": 1.5509582590311766, "sum": 6.203833036124706 }, "timers.actastic.relation.search": { "max": 8.630949014332145, "mean": 5.581304353922057, "sum": 189.76434803334996 }, "timers.http.request.302": { "max": 11.984109878540039, "mean": 11.151552200317383, "sum": 22.303104400634766 }, "timers.http.request.all": { "max": 11.984109878540039, "mean": 11.151552200317383, "sum": 22.303104400634766 } }, "pid": 6, "start": "2021-01-28T17:05:43+00:00" }, "connectors": { "alive": True, "job_store": { "job_types": { "delete": 0, "full": 0, "incremental": 0, "permissions": 0 }, "waiting": 0, "working": 0 }, "pool": { "extract_worker_pool": { "busy": 1, "idle": 7, "queue_depth": 0, "running": True, "size": 8, "total_completed": 16286, "total_scheduled": 16287 }, ... } }, "queues": { "connectors": { "pending": 0 }, ... } }
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