- Enterprise Search PHP client: other versions:
- Overview
- Installation
- Connecting
- Enterprise Search API
- App Search API
- Workplace Search API
- Release Notes
IMPORTANT: No additional bug fixes or documentation updates
will be released for this version. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
App Search API
editApp Search API
editThis document includes examples for different API requests. Please refer to the Elastic App Search Documentation for more information, particularly the API Reference.
edituse Elastic\EnterpriseSearch\AppSearch\Request; use Elastic\EnterpriseSearch\AppSearch\Schema; use Elastic\EnterpriseSearch\Client; $client = new Client([ 'host' => 'http://localhost:3002', 'app-search' => [ 'token' => '<insert here the API key>' ] ]); $appSearch = $client->appSearch(); // Create an engine $result = $appSearch->createEngine( new Request\CreateEngine( new Schema\Engine('videogames') ) ); print_r($result->asArray()); // List all engines $result = $appSearch->listEngines(); print_r($result->asArray()); // Get an engine $result = $appSearch->getEngine( new Request\GetEngine('videogames') ); print_r($result->asArray()); // Delete an engine $result = $appSearch->deleteEngine( new Request\DeleteEngine('videogames') ); var_dump($result['deleted']);
edit$engineName = 'videogames'; $id = 'Mr1064'; $doc = new Schema\Document($id); $doc->title = 'Super Luigi 64'; $doc->description = 'A classic 3D videogame'; // Index documents $result = $appSearch->indexDocuments( new Request\IndexDocuments($engineName, [$doc]) ); // List documents $result = $appSearch->listDocuments( new Request\ListDocuments($engineName) ); print_r($result->asArray()); // Get document(s) by ID: $result = $appSearch->getDocuments( new Request\GetDocuments($engineName, [$id]) ); print_r($result->asArray()); // Delete a document $result = $appSearch->deleteDocuments( new Request\DeleteDocuments($engineName, [$id]) ); print_r($result->asArray());
edit$engineName = 'videogames'; // Single Search $search = new Schema\SearchRequestParams('luigi'); $result = $this->appSearch->search( new Request\Search($engineName, $search) ); print_r($result->asArray());
Elasticsearch Search API
editUsing this API you can search directly in App Search using the search API of Elasticsearch.
You can use the Request\SearchEsSearch
to perform a search query
using the Elasticsearch API.
For more information about this feature you can read the Elasticsearch search API for App Search documentation.
In order to use the Request\SearchEsSearch
endpoint you need to have an Elasticsearch
OAuth2 token, you can read how to generate one here.
$engineName = 'videogames'; // Elasticsearch query $searchParams = new Schema\EsSearchParams(); $searchParams->query = [ 'match' => [ 'title' => 'Super Luigi 64' ] ]; // This is the Elasticsearch token API (Bearer) $elasticsearchApiKey = 'xxx'; $result = $this->appSearch->searchEsSearch( (new Request\SearchEsSearch($engineName, $searchParams)) ->setAuthorization($elasticsearchApiKey) ); print_r($result->asArray()); // Elasticsearch result in ['hits']['hits']
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