
The executive guide to generative AI

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8.13 Release notes


8.13.0 Release notes



  • Tested versions of Ruby for 8.13.0: Ruby (MRI) 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. JRuby 9.3 and JRuby 9.4.

Experimental ES|QL Helper


This version provides a new experimental Helper for the ES|QL query API. Please check out the documentation and open an issue if you encounter any problems or have any feedback.



API Changes:

  • async_search.status - adds Time :keep_alive parameter: Specify the time interval in which the results (partial or final) for this search will be available.
  • bulk - adds boolean :require_data_stream parameter: When true, requires the destination to be a data stream (existing or to-be-created). Default is false.
  • connector.list - Adds the following parameters:
  • :index_name (List): A comma-separated list of connector index names to fetch connector documents for.
  • :connector_name (List): A comma-separated list of connector names to fetch connector documents for.
  • :service_type (List): A comma-separated list of connector service types to fetch connector documents for.
  • :query (String): A search string for querying connectors, filtering results by matching against connector names, descriptions, and index names.
  • esql.query - adds boolean :drop_null_columns parameter: Should entirely null columns be removed from the results? Their name and type will be returning in a new all_columns section.
  • field_caps - Adds :include_empty_fields boolean parameter: Include empty fields in result.
  • index - adds boolean :require_data_stream parameter: When true, requires the destination to be a data stream (existing or to-be-created). Default is false.
  • indices.rollover - adds boolean :lazy parameter: If set to true, the rollover action will only mark a data stream to signal that it needs to be rolled over at the next write. Only allowed on data streams.
  • connector_sync_job.list - adds List :job_type parameter: A comma-separated list of job types.
  • inference.delete_model, inference.get_model, inference.inference, inference.put_model: renames :model_id parameter to :inference_id.
  • termvector will show a warning since it’s been deprecated. Please use the plural version, termvectors.

New APIs:

  • indices.resolve_cluster - Resolves the specified index expressions to return information about each cluster, including the local cluster, if included.
  • profiling.flamegraph - Extracts a UI-optimized structure to render flamegraphs from Universal Profiling.
  • profiling.stacktraces - Extracts raw stacktrace information from Universal Profiling.
  • security.query_user - Retrieves information for Users using a subset of query DSL
  • text_structure.test_grok_pattern - Tests a Grok pattern on some text.

APIs Migrated from experimental to stable:

  • synonyms.delete_synonym
  • synonyms.delete_synonym_rule
  • synonyms.get_synonym
  • synonyms.get_synonym_rule
  • synonyms.get_synonyms_sets
  • synonyms.put_synonym
  • synonyms.put_synonym_rule

New Experimental APIs

  • connector.update_api_key_id - Updates the API key id and/or API key secret id fields in the connector document.
  • connector.update_index_name - Updates the index name of the connector.
  • connector.update_native - Updates the is_native flag of the connector.
  • connector.update_service_type - Updates the service type of the connector.
  • connector.update_status - Updates the status of the connector.
  • esql.async_query - Executes an ESQL request asynchronously
  • esql.async_query_get - Retrieves the results of a previously submitted async query request given its ID.

New Experimental namespace connector_secret:

  • connector_secret.delete - Deletes a connector secret.
  • connector_secret.get - Retrieves a secret stored by Connectors.
  • - Creates a secret for a Connector.
  • connector_secret.put - Creates or updates a secret for a Connector.


  • Migrated from byebug to debug.
  • Added extra testing for OpenTelemetry.
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