



Class DataFrameTransformDeprecatedNamespace


this file is autogenerated using util/GenerateEndpoints.php and Elasticsearch 7.12.1 (3186837139b9c6b6d23c3200870651f10d3343b7)


The class defines the following methods:

deleteTransform(array $params = [])NOTE: This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible

getTransform(array $params = [])NOTE: This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible

getTransformStats(array $params = [])NOTE: This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible

putTransform(array $params = [])NOTE: This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible

startTransform(array $params = [])NOTE: This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible

stopTransform(array $params = [])NOTE: This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible

updateTransform(array $params = [])NOTE: This API is BETA and may change in ways that are not backwards compatible