
The executive guide to generative AI

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Release notes v8.0.1


Bug fixes

  • Fix MultiSearchTemplateRequest body serialization (issue: #7006)


  • Seal union types for consistency

Breaking changes


This release includes the following breaking changes:

MultiSearchTemplate type changes


The Core.MSearchTemplate.RequestItem type has been renamed to Core.MSearchTemplate.SearchTemplateRequestItem. It no longer derives from the Union<T1, T2> type. It has been manually designed to support serialization to NDJSON, as required by the MSearchTemplate endpoint.

The MultiSearchTemplateRequest.SearchTemplates property has been updated to use this newly defined type.

This breaking change has been included in this patch release due to the original code-generated type functioning incorrectly, and therefore, we have determined that this should ship ASAP.

MultiSearch type changes


The Core.MSearch.SearchRequestItem type has been sealed for consistency with the design choices of the rest of the client. While technically breaking, we have decided that this should be included in this release before any potentially derived types may exist in consuming applications.

Sealing union types


Code-generated types derived from Union<T1, T2> were incorrectly unsealed. While technically breaking, we have decided that these should be sealed in this patch release before any potential derived types may exist in consuming applications. Sealing types by default aligns with our broader design choices and this decision is described in the 8.0.0 release notes.

Affected types: - Aggregations.Buckets - Aggregations.FieldDateMatch - Aggregations.Percentiles - Analysis.CharFilter - Analysis.TokenFilter - Analysis.Tokenizer - ByteSize - Fuzziness - GeoHashPrecision - MultiGetResponseItem - MultiSearchResponseItem - QueryDsl.Like - QueryDsl.TermsQueryField - Script - Slices - SourceConfig - SourceConfigParam - Tasks.TaskInfos - TrackHits