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This page contains the information you need to connect and use the Client with Elasticsearch.

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This document contains code snippets to show you how to connect to various Elasticsearch providers.

Elastic Cloud


If you are using Elastic Cloud, the client offers an easy way to connect to it via the cloud option. You must pass the Cloud ID that you can find in the cloud console, then your username and password inside the auth option.

When connecting to Elastic Cloud, the client will automatically enable both request and response compression by default, since it yields significant throughput improvements. Moreover, the client will also set the tls option secureProtocol to TLSv1_2_method unless specified otherwise. You can still override this option by configuring them.

Do not enable sniffing when using Elastic Cloud, since the nodes are behind a load balancer, Elastic Cloud will take care of everything for you. Take a look here to know more.

const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')
const client = new Client({
  cloud: {
    id: '<cloud-id>'
  auth: {
    username: 'elastic',
    password: 'changeme'

Connecting to a self-managed cluster


By default Elasticsearch will start with security features like authentication and TLS enabled. To connect to the Elasticsearch cluster you’ll need to configure the Node.js Elasticsearch client to use HTTPS with the generated CA certificate in order to make requests successfully.

If you’re just getting started with Elasticsearch we recommend reading the documentation on configuring and starting Elasticsearch to ensure your cluster is running as expected.

When you start Elasticsearch for the first time you’ll see a distinct block like the one below in the output from Elasticsearch (you may have to scroll up if it’s been a while):

-> Elasticsearch security features have been automatically configured!
-> Authentication is enabled and cluster connections are encrypted.

->  Password for the elastic user (reset with `bin/elasticsearch-reset-password -u elastic`):

->  HTTP CA certificate SHA-256 fingerprint:

Depending on the circumstances there are two options for verifying the HTTPS connection, either verifying with the CA certificate itself or via the HTTP CA certificate fingerprint.

TLS configuration


The generated root CA certificate can be found in the certs directory in your Elasticsearch config location ($ES_CONF_PATH/certs/http_ca.crt). If you’re running Elasticsearch in Docker there is additional documentation for retrieving the CA certificate.

Without any additional configuration you can specify https:// node urls, and the certificates used to sign these requests will be verified. To turn off certificate verification, you must specify an tls object in the top level config and set rejectUnauthorized: false. The default tls values are the same that Node.js’s tls.connect() uses.

const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')
const client = new Client({
  node: 'https://localhost:9200',
  auth: {
    username: 'elastic',
    password: 'changeme'
  tls: {
    ca: fs.readFileSync('./http_ca.crt'),
    rejectUnauthorized: false

CA fingerprint


You can configure the client to only trust certificates that are signed by a specific CA certificate (CA certificate pinning) by providing a caFingerprint option. This will verify that the fingerprint of the CA certificate that has signed the certificate of the server matches the supplied value. You must configure a SHA256 digest.

const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')
const client = new Client({
  node: ''
  auth: { ... },
  // the fingerprint (SHA256) of the CA certificate that is used to sign
  // the certificate that the Elasticsearch node presents for TLS.
  caFingerprint: '20:0D:CA:FA:76:...',
  tls: {
    // might be required if it's a self-signed certificate
    rejectUnauthorized: false

The certificate fingerprint can be calculated using openssl x509 with the certificate file:

openssl x509 -fingerprint -sha256 -noout -in /path/to/http_ca.crt

If you don’t have access to the generated CA file from Elasticsearch you can use the following script to output the root CA fingerprint of the Elasticsearch instance with openssl s_client:

# Replace the values of 'localhost' and '9200' to the
# corresponding host and port values for the cluster.
openssl s_client -connect localhost:9200 -servername localhost -showcerts </dev/null 2>/dev/null \
  | openssl x509 -fingerprint -sha256 -noout -in /dev/stdin

The output of openssl x509 will look something like this:

SHA256 Fingerprint=A5:2D:D9:35:11:E8:C6:04:5E:21:F1:66:54:B7:7C:9E:E0:F3:4A:EA:26:D9:F4:03:20:B5:31:C4:74:67:62:28

Connecting without security enabled


Running Elasticsearch without security enabled is not recommended.

If your cluster is configured with security explicitly disabled then you can connect via HTTP:

const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')
const client = new Client({
  node: ''

Authentication strategies


Following you can find all the supported authentication strategies.

ApiKey authentication


You can use the ApiKey authentication by passing the apiKey parameter via the auth option. The apiKey parameter can be either a base64 encoded string or an object with the values that you can obtain from the create api key endpoint.

If you provide both basic authentication credentials and the ApiKey configuration, the ApiKey takes precedence.

const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')
const client = new Client({
  node: 'https://localhost:9200',
  auth: {
    apiKey: 'base64EncodedKey'
const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')
const client = new Client({
  node: 'https://localhost:9200',
  auth: {
    apiKey: {
      id: 'foo',
      api_key: 'bar'

Bearer authentication


You can provide your credentials by passing the bearer token parameter via the auth option. Useful for service account tokens. Be aware that it does not handle automatic token refresh.

const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')
const client = new Client({
  node: 'https://localhost:9200',
  auth: {
    bearer: 'token'

Basic authentication


You can provide your credentials by passing the username and password parameters via the auth option.

If you provide both basic authentication credentials and the Api Key configuration, the Api Key will take precedence.

const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')
const client = new Client({
  node: 'https://localhost:9200',
  auth: {
    username: 'elastic',
    password: 'changeme'

Otherwise, you can provide your credentials in the node(s) URL.

const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')
const client = new Client({
  node: 'https://username:password@localhost:9200'



Using the client is straightforward, it supports all the public APIs of Elasticsearch, and every method exposes the same signature.

const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')
const client = new Client({
  cloud: { id: '<cloud-id>' },
  auth: { apiKey: 'base64EncodedKey' }

const result = await{
  index: 'my-index',
  query: {
    match: { hello: 'world' }

The returned value of every API call is the response body from Elasticsearch. If you need to access additonal metadata, such as the status code or headers, you must specify meta: true in the request options:

const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')
const client = new Client({
  cloud: { id: '<cloud-id>' },
  auth: { apiKey: 'base64EncodedKey' }

const result = await{
  index: 'my-index',
  query: {
    match: { hello: 'world' }
}, { meta: true })

In this case, the result will be:

  body: object | boolean
  statusCode: number
  headers: object
  warnings: string[],
  meta: object

The body is a boolean value when you use HEAD APIs.

Aborting a request


If needed, you can abort a running request by using the AbortController standard.

If you abort a request, the request will fail with a RequestAbortedError.

const AbortController = require('node-abort-controller')
const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')
const client = new Client({
  cloud: { id: '<cloud-id>' },
  auth: { apiKey: 'base64EncodedKey' }

const abortController = new AbortController()
setImmediate(() => abortController.abort())

const result = await{
  index: 'my-index',
  query: {
    match: { hello: 'world' }
}, { signal: abortController.signal })

Request specific options


If needed you can pass request specific options in a second object:

const result = await{
  index: 'my-index',
  body: {
    query: {
      match: { hello: 'world' }
}, {
  ignore: [404],
  maxRetries: 3

The supported request specific options are:


number[] -  HTTP status codes which should not be considered errors for this request.
Default: null



string` - Max request timeout for the request in milliseconds, it overrides the client default.
Default: 30000


boolean - Retry requests that have timed out. Default: false


number - Max number of retries for the request, it overrides the client default.
Default: 3



boolean` - Enables body compression for the request.
Options: false, 'gzip'
Default: false


boolean - Instead of getting the parsed body back, you get the raw Node.js stream of data.
Default: false


object - Custom headers for the request.
Default: null


object - Custom querystring for the request.
Default: null


any - Custom request id. (overrides the top level request id generator)
Default: null


any - Custom object per request. (you can use it to pass data to the clients events)
Default: null


string - Set the X-Opaque-Id HTTP header. See Default: null


number - When configured, it verifies that the uncompressed response size is lower than the configured number, if it’s higher it will abort the request. It cannot be higher than buffer.constants.MAX_STRING_LENTGH
Default: null


number - When configured, it verifies that the compressed response size is lower than the configured number, if it’s higher it will abort the request. It cannot be higher than buffer.constants.MAX_LENTGH
Default: null


AbortSignal - The AbortSignal instance to allow request abortion.
Default: null


boolean - Rather than returning the body, return an object containing body, statusCode, headers and meta keys
Default: false


object - Options for redacting potentially sensitive data from error metadata. See Redaction of potentially sensitive data.


(min: number, max: number, attempt: number) => number; - A function that calculates how long to sleep, in seconds, before the next request retry
Default: A built-in function that uses exponential backoff with jitter.

Using the Client in a Function-as-a-Service Environment


This section illustrates the best practices for leveraging the Elasticsearch client in a Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) environment. The most influential optimization is to initialize the client outside of the function, the global scope. This practice does not only improve performance but also enables background functionality as – for example – sniffing. The following examples provide a skeleton for the best practices.

GCP Cloud Functions

'use strict'

const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')

const client = new Client({
  // client initialisation

exports.testFunction = async function (req, res) {
  // use the client

AWS Lambda

'use strict'

const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')

const client = new Client({
  // client initialisation

exports.handler = async function (event, context) {
  // use the client

Azure Functions

'use strict'

const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')

const client = new Client({
  // client initialisation

module.exports = async function (context, req) {
  // use the client

Resources used to assess these recommendations:

Connecting through a proxy


Added in v7.10.0

If you need to pass through an http(s) proxy for connecting to Elasticsearch, the client out of the box offers a handy configuration for helping you with it. Under the hood, it uses the hpagent module.

In versions 8.0+ of the client, the default Connection type is set to UndiciConnection, which does not support proxy configurations. To use a proxy, you will need to use the HttpConnection class from @elastic/transport instead.

import { HttpConnection } from '@elastic/transport'

const client = new Client({
  node: 'http://localhost:9200',
  proxy: 'http://localhost:8080',
  Connection: HttpConnection,

Basic authentication is supported as well:

const client = new Client({
  node: 'http://localhost:9200',
  proxy: 'http:user:pwd@//localhost:8080',
  Connection: HttpConnection,

If you are connecting through a non-http(s) proxy, such as a socks5 or pac, you can use the agent option to configure it.

const SocksProxyAgent = require('socks-proxy-agent')
const client = new Client({
  node: 'http://localhost:9200',
  agent () {
    return new SocksProxyAgent('socks://')
  Connection: HttpConnection,

Error handling


The client exposes a variety of error objects that you can use to enhance your error handling. You can find all the error objects inside the errors key in the client.

const { errors } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch')

You can find the errors exported by the client in the table below.





Every error inherits from this class, it is the basic error generated by the client.

  • name - string
  • message - string


Generated when a request exceeds the requestTimeout option.

  • name - string
  • message - string
  • meta - object, contains all the information about the request


Generated when an error occurs during the request, it can be a connection error or a malformed stream of data.

  • name - string
  • message - string
  • meta - object, contains all the information about the request


Generated if the user calls the request.abort() method.

  • name - string
  • message - string
  • meta - object, contains all the information about the request


Given the configuration, the ConnectionPool was not able to find a usable Connection for this request.

  • name - string
  • message - string
  • meta - object, contains all the information about the request


Generated if the serialization fails.

  • name - string
  • message - string
  • data - object, the object to serialize


Generated if the deserialization fails.

  • name - string
  • message - string
  • data - string, the string to deserialize


Generated if there is a malformed configuration or parameter.

  • name - string
  • message - string


Generated when in case of a 4xx or 5xx response.

  • name - string
  • message - string
  • meta - object, contains all the information about the request
  • body - object, the response body
  • statusCode - object, the response headers
  • headers - object, the response status code

Keep-alive connections


By default, the client uses persistent, keep-alive connections to reduce the overhead of creating a new HTTP connection for each Elasticsearch request. If you are using the default UndiciConnection connection class, it maintains a pool of 256 connections with a keep-alive of 10 minutes. If you are using the legacy HttpConnection connection class, it maintains a pool of 256 connections with a keep-alive of 1 minute.

If you need to disable keep-alive connections, you can override the HTTP agent with your preferred HTTP agent options:

const client = new Client({
  node: 'http://localhost:9200',
  // the function takes as parameter the option
  // object passed to the Connection constructor
  agent: (opts) => new CustomAgent()

Or you can disable the HTTP agent entirely:

const client = new Client({
  node: 'http://localhost:9200',
  // Disable agent and keep-alive
  agent: false

Closing a client’s connections


If you would like to close all open connections being managed by an instance of the client, use the close() function:

const client = new Client({
  node: 'http://localhost:9200'

Automatic product check


Since v7.14.0, the client performs a required product check before the first call. This pre-flight product check allows the client to establish the version of Elasticsearch that it is communicating with. The product check requires one additional HTTP request to be sent to the server as part of the request pipeline before the main API call is sent. In most cases, this will succeed during the very first API call that the client sends. Once the product check completes, no further product check HTTP requests are sent for subsequent API calls.