- Curator Index Management:
- Curator and Index Lifecycle Management
- About
- Versions
- Installation
- Running Curator
- Configuration
- Actions
- Options
- allocation_type
- allow_ilm_indices
- include_hidden
- continue_if_exception
- copy_aliases
- count
- delay
- delete_after
- delete_aliases
- skip_flush
- disable_action
- extra_settings
- ignore_empty_list
- ignore_unavailable
- include_aliases
- include_global_state
- indices
- key
- max_age
- max_docs
- max_size
- max_num_segments
- max_wait
- migration_prefix
- migration_suffix
- name
- new_index
- node_filters
- number_of_replicas
- number_of_shards
- partial
- post_allocation
- preserve_existing
- refresh
- remote_certificate
- remote_client_cert
- remote_client_key
- remote_filters
- remote_url_prefix
- rename_pattern
- rename_replacement
- repository
- requests_per_second
- request_body
- retry_count
- retry_interval
- routing_type
- search_pattern
- setting
- shrink_node
- shrink_prefix
- shrink_suffix
- slices
- skip_repo_fs_check
- timeout
- timeout_override
- value
- wait_for_active_shards
- wait_for_completion
- wait_for_rebalance
- wait_interval
- warn_if_no_indices
- Filters
- Filter Elements
- aliases
- allocation_type
- count
- date_from
- date_from_format
- date_to
- date_to_format
- direction
- disk_space
- epoch
- exclude
- field
- intersect
- key
- kind
- max_num_segments
- pattern
- period_type
- range_from
- range_to
- reverse
- source
- state
- stats_result
- timestring
- threshold_behavior
- unit
- unit_count
- unit_count_pattern
- use_age
- value
- week_starts_on
- Examples
- Frequently Asked Questions
editThis setting must be either True
or False
The default value of this setting is False
Each master and data node in the cluster must have write access to the shared filesystem used by the repository for a snapshot to be 100% valid. For the purposes of a restore, this is a lightweight attempt to ensure that all nodes are still actively able to write to the repository, in hopes that snapshots were from all nodes. It is not otherwise necessary for the purposes of a restore.
Some filesystems may take longer to respond to a check, which results in a false
positive for the filesystem access check. For these cases, it is desirable to
bypass this verification step, by setting this to True.
actions: 1: action: restore description: Restore my_index from my_snapshot in my_repository options: repository: my_repository name: my_snapshot indices: my_index skip_repo_fs_check: False wait_for_completion: True max_wait: 3600 wait_interval: 10 filters: - filtertype: state state: SUCCESS exclude: - filtertype: ...
Each master and data node in the cluster must have write access to the shared filesystem used by the repository for a snapshot to be 100% valid.
Some filesystems may take longer to respond to a check, which results in a false
positive for the filesystem access check. For these cases, it is desirable to
bypass this verification step, by setting this to True.
action: snapshot description: >- Snapshot selected indices to 'repository' with the snapshot name or name pattern in 'name'. Use all other options as assigned options: repository: my_repository name: my_snapshot skip_repo_fs_check: False wait_for_completion: True max_wait: 3600 wait_interval: 10 filters: - filtertype: ...