APM breaking changes


This list summarizes the most important breaking changes in APM. For the complete list, go to APM breaking changes.



The following breaking changes and deprecations are introduced in APM version 8.7.0:

  • transaction.failure_count has been removed. transaction.success_count type has changed to aggregated_metric_double. For more details, see PR #9791.
  • transaction.success_count has been moved to event.success_count. For more details, see PR #9819.
  • Stopped indexing transaction metrics to metrics-apm.internal. For more details, see PR #9846.
  • Stopped indexing span destination metrics to metrics-apm.internal. For more details, see PR #9926.
  • apmserver.aggregation.txmetrics.overflowed metric has been renamed to apmserver.aggregation.txmetrics.overflowed.total. For more details, see PR #10330.
  • Elasticsearch source mapping credentials now require access to the .apm-source-map index. For more details, see PR #9722.
  • Changed APM Server default host to For more details, see PR #9877.