- Elastic Common Schema (ECS) Reference: other versions:
- Overview
- Using ECS
- ECS Field Reference
- Base Fields
- Agent Fields
- Autonomous System Fields
- Client Fields
- Cloud Fields
- Code Signature Fields
- Container Fields
- Data Stream Fields
- Destination Fields
- Device Fields
- DLL Fields
- DNS Fields
- ECS Fields
- ELF Header Fields
- Email Fields
- Error Fields
- Event Fields
- FaaS Fields
- File Fields
- Geo Fields
- Group Fields
- Hash Fields
- Host Fields
- HTTP Fields
- Interface Fields
- Log Fields
- Mach-O Header Fields
- Network Fields
- Observer Fields
- Orchestrator Fields
- Organization Fields
- Operating System Fields
- Package Fields
- PE Header Fields
- Process Fields
- Registry Fields
- Related Fields
- Risk information Fields
- Rule Fields
- Server Fields
- Service Fields
- Source Fields
- Threat Fields
- TLS Fields
- Tracing Fields
- URL Fields
- User Fields
- User agent Fields
- VLAN Fields
- Vulnerability Fields
- x509 Certificate Fields
- ECS Categorization Fields
- Migrating to ECS
- Additional Information
- Release Notes
Related Fields
editRelated Fields
editThis field set is meant to facilitate pivoting around a piece of data.
Some pieces of information can be seen in many places in an ECS event. To facilitate searching for them, store an array of all seen values to their corresponding field in related.
A concrete example is IP addresses, which can be under host, observer, source, destination, client, server, and network.forwarded_ip. If you append all IPs to related.ip
, you can then search for a given IP trivially, no matter where it appeared, by querying related.ip:
Related Field Details
editField | Description | Level |
All the hashes seen on your event. Populating this field, then using it to search for hashes can help in situations where you’re unsure what the hash algorithm is (and therefore which key name to search). type: keyword Note: this field should contain an array of values. |
extended |
All hostnames or other host identifiers seen on your event. Example identifiers include FQDNs, domain names, workstation names, or aliases. type: keyword Note: this field should contain an array of values. |
extended |
All of the IPs seen on your event. type: ip Note: this field should contain an array of values. |
extended |
All the user names or other user identifiers seen on the event. type: keyword Note: this field should contain an array of values. |
extended |
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