Next steps


Now that you have provisioned your first deployment and indexed some basic documents into your Elasticsearch cluster, you’re ready to do more with your deployment.

Get data into the deployment


There are several ways to ingest data into the deployment:

  • Use the sample data available from the Kibana home page in versions 6.4.0 and later, without loading your own data. There are multiple data sets available and you can add them with one click.
  • Configure Beats and Logstash to send data to Elastic Cloud Enterprise quickly with your Cloud ID.
  • If you added an APM Server, configure your APM Agents to return data to your Elasticsearch cluster.
  • Got existing Elasticsearch data? Consider your migration options.

Increase security


You might want to add more layers of security to your deployment, such as:

  • Add more users to the deployment:

    • For version 6.4.0 and later, secure deployment access with SAML, LDAP or Active Directory.
    • For version 5.0 and later, manage users and their roles in X-Pack.
    • Before version 5.0, manage users and their roles in Shield.
  • Configure the keystore to store your sensitive settings.
  • Create traffic filters and apply them to your deployments.
  • If needed, you can reset the elastic password.

Scale or adjust your deployment


You might find that you need a larger deployment for the workload. Or maybe you want to upgrade the Elasticsearch version for the latest features. Perhaps you’d like to add some plugins, enable APM, or machine learning. All of this can be done after provisioning by changing your deployment configuration.