- Metricbeat Reference: other versions:
- Metricbeat overview
- Quick start: installation and configuration
- Set up and run
- Upgrade Metricbeat
- How Metricbeat works
- Configure
- Modules
- General settings
- Project paths
- Config file loading
- Output
- Kerberos
- Index lifecycle management (ILM)
- Elasticsearch index template
- Kibana endpoint
- Kibana dashboards
- Processors
- Define processors
- add_cloud_metadata
- add_cloudfoundry_metadata
- add_docker_metadata
- add_fields
- add_host_metadata
- add_id
- add_kubernetes_metadata
- add_labels
- add_locale
- add_network_direction
- add_nomad_metadata
- add_observer_metadata
- add_process_metadata
- add_tags
- append
- community_id
- convert
- copy_fields
- decode_base64_field
- decode_duration
- decode_json_fields
- decode_xml
- decode_xml_wineventlog
- decompress_gzip_field
- detect_mime_type
- dissect
- dns
- drop_event
- drop_fields
- extract_array
- fingerprint
- include_fields
- move_fields
- rate_limit
- registered_domain
- rename
- replace
- script
- syslog
- translate_sid
- truncate_fields
- urldecode
- Autodiscover
- Internal queue
- Logging
- HTTP endpoint
- Regular expression support
- Instrumentation
- Feature flags
- metricbeat.reference.yml
- How to guides
- Modules
- ActiveMQ module
- Aerospike module
- Airflow module
- Apache module
- AWS module
- AWS awshealth metricset
- AWS billing metricset
- AWS cloudwatch metricset
- AWS dynamodb metricset
- AWS ebs metricset
- AWS ec2 metricset
- AWS elb metricset
- AWS kinesis metricset
- AWS lambda metricset
- AWS natgateway metricset
- AWS rds metricset
- AWS s3_daily_storage metricset
- AWS s3_request metricset
- AWS sns metricset
- AWS sqs metricset
- AWS transitgateway metricset
- AWS usage metricset
- AWS vpn metricset
- AWS Fargate module
- Azure module
- Azure app_insights metricset
- Azure app_state metricset
- Azure billing metricset
- Azure compute_vm metricset
- Azure compute_vm_scaleset metricset
- Azure container_instance metricset
- Azure container_registry metricset
- Azure container_service metricset
- Azure database_account metricset
- Azure monitor metricset
- Azure storage metricset
- Beat module
- Ceph module
- Ceph cluster_disk metricset
- Ceph cluster_health metricset
- Ceph cluster_status metricset
- Ceph mgr_cluster_disk metricset
- Ceph mgr_cluster_health metricset
- Ceph mgr_osd_perf metricset
- Ceph mgr_osd_pool_stats metricset
- Ceph mgr_osd_tree metricset
- Ceph mgr_pool_disk metricset
- Ceph monitor_health metricset
- Ceph osd_df metricset
- Ceph osd_tree metricset
- Ceph pool_disk metricset
- Cloudfoundry module
- CockroachDB module
- Consul module
- Containerd module
- Coredns module
- Couchbase module
- CouchDB module
- Docker module
- Dropwizard module
- Elasticsearch module
- Elasticsearch ccr metricset
- Elasticsearch cluster_stats metricset
- Elasticsearch enrich metricset
- Elasticsearch index metricset
- Elasticsearch index_recovery metricset
- Elasticsearch index_summary metricset
- Elasticsearch ingest_pipeline metricset
- Elasticsearch ml_job metricset
- Elasticsearch node metricset
- Elasticsearch node_stats metricset
- Elasticsearch pending_tasks metricset
- Elasticsearch shard metricset
- Enterprise Search module
- Envoyproxy module
- Etcd module
- Google Cloud Platform module
- Google Cloud Platform billing metricset
- Google Cloud Platform carbon metricset
- Google Cloud Platform compute metricset
- Google Cloud Platform dataproc metricset
- Google Cloud Platform firestore metricset
- Google Cloud Platform gke metricset
- Google Cloud Platform loadbalancing metricset
- Google Cloud Platform metrics metricset
- Google Cloud Platform pubsub metricset
- Google Cloud Platform storage metricset
- Golang module
- Graphite module
- HAProxy module
- HTTP module
- IBM MQ module
- IIS module
- Istio module
- Jolokia module
- Kafka module
- Kibana module
- Kubernetes module
- Kubernetes apiserver metricset
- Kubernetes container metricset
- Kubernetes controllermanager metricset
- Kubernetes event metricset
- Kubernetes node metricset
- Kubernetes pod metricset
- Kubernetes proxy metricset
- Kubernetes scheduler metricset
- Kubernetes state_container metricset
- Kubernetes state_cronjob metricset
- Kubernetes state_daemonset metricset
- Kubernetes state_deployment metricset
- Kubernetes state_job metricset
- Kubernetes state_node metricset
- Kubernetes state_persistentvolumeclaim metricset
- Kubernetes state_pod metricset
- Kubernetes state_replicaset metricset
- Kubernetes state_resourcequota metricset
- Kubernetes state_service metricset
- Kubernetes state_statefulset metricset
- Kubernetes state_storageclass metricset
- Kubernetes system metricset
- Kubernetes volume metricset
- KVM module
- Linux module
- Logstash module
- Memcached module
- MongoDB module
- MSSQL module
- Munin module
- MySQL module
- NATS module
- Nginx module
- Openmetrics module
- Oracle module
- PHP_FPM module
- PostgreSQL module
- Prometheus module
- RabbitMQ module
- Redis module
- Redis Enterprise module
- SQL module
- Stan module
- Statsd module
- SyncGateway module
- System module
- System core metricset
- System cpu metricset
- System diskio metricset
- System entropy metricset
- System filesystem metricset
- System fsstat metricset
- System load metricset
- System memory metricset
- System network metricset
- System network_summary metricset
- System process metricset
- System process_summary metricset
- System raid metricset
- System service metricset
- System socket metricset
- System socket_summary metricset
- System uptime metricset
- System users metricset
- Tomcat module
- Traefik module
- uWSGI module
- vSphere module
- Windows module
- ZooKeeper module
- Exported fields
- ActiveMQ fields
- Aerospike fields
- Airflow fields
- Apache fields
- AWS fields
- AWS Fargate fields
- Azure fields
- Beat fields
- Beat fields
- Ceph fields
- Cloud provider metadata fields
- Cloudfoundry fields
- CockroachDB fields
- Common fields
- Consul fields
- Containerd fields
- Coredns fields
- Couchbase fields
- CouchDB fields
- Docker fields
- Docker fields
- Dropwizard fields
- ECS fields
- Elasticsearch fields
- Enterprise Search fields
- Envoyproxy fields
- Etcd fields
- Google Cloud Platform fields
- Golang fields
- Graphite fields
- HAProxy fields
- Host fields
- HTTP fields
- IBM MQ fields
- IIS fields
- Istio fields
- Jolokia fields
- Jolokia Discovery autodiscover provider fields
- Kafka fields
- Kibana fields
- Kubernetes fields
- Kubernetes fields
- KVM fields
- Linux fields
- Logstash fields
- Memcached fields
- MongoDB fields
- MSSQL fields
- Munin fields
- MySQL fields
- NATS fields
- Nginx fields
- Openmetrics fields
- Oracle fields
- PHP_FPM fields
- PostgreSQL fields
- Process fields
- Prometheus fields
- Prometheus typed metrics fields
- RabbitMQ fields
- Redis fields
- Redis Enterprise fields
- SQL fields
- Stan fields
- Statsd fields
- SyncGateway fields
- System fields
- Tomcat fields
- Traefik fields
- uWSGI fields
- vSphere fields
- Windows fields
- ZooKeeper fields
- Monitor
- Secure
- Troubleshoot
- Get help
- Debug
- Understand logged metrics
- Common problems
- "open /compat/linux/proc: no such file or directory" error on FreeBSD
- Metricbeat collects system metrics for interfaces you didn’t configure
- Metricbeat uses too much bandwidth
- Error loading config file
- Found unexpected or unknown characters
- Logstash connection doesn’t work
- Publishing to Logstash fails with "connection reset by peer" message
- @metadata is missing in Logstash
- Not sure whether to use Logstash or Beats
- SSL client fails to connect to Logstash
- Monitoring UI shows fewer Beats than expected
- Dashboard could not locate the index-pattern
- High RSS memory usage due to MADV settings
- Contribute to Beats
MySQL server status metrics collected from MySQL.
contains the metrics that were obtained from MySQL query.
contains the metrics that were obtained by the status SQL query on Galera.
Apply status fields.
How often applier started write-set applying out-of-order (parallelization efficiency).
type: double
How often write-set was so slow to apply that write-set with higher seqno’s were applied earlier. Values closer to 0 refer to a greater gap between slow and fast write-sets.
type: double
Average distance between highest and lowest concurrently applied seqno.
type: double
Certification status fields.
Average distance between highest and lowest seqno value that can be possibly applied in parallel (potential degree of parallelization).
type: double
The number of entries in the certification index.
type: long
Average number of transactions received while a transaction replicates.
type: double
Cluster status fields.
Total number of cluster membership changes happened.
type: long
Current number of members in the cluster.
type: long
Status of this cluster component. That is, whether the node is part of a PRIMARY or NON_PRIMARY component.
type: keyword
Commit status fields.
How often a transaction was committed out of order.
type: double
Average distance between highest and lowest concurrently committed seqno.
type: long
If the value is OFF, the node has not yet connected to any of the cluster components. This may be due to misconfiguration. Check the error log for proper diagnostics.
type: keyword
Evs Fields.
Lists the UUID’s of all nodes evicted from the cluster. Evicted nodes cannot rejoin the cluster until you restart their mysqld processes.
type: keyword
Shows the internal state of the EVS Protocol.
type: keyword
Flow Control fields.
The fraction of time since the last FLUSH STATUS command that replication was paused due to flow control. In other words, how much the slave lag is slowing down the cluster.
type: double
The total time spent in a paused state measured in nanoseconds.
type: long
Returns the number of FC_PAUSE events the node has received, including those the node has sent. Unlike most status variables, the counter for this one does not reset every time you run the query.
type: long
Returns the number of FC_PAUSE events the node has sent. Unlike most status variables, the counter for this one does not reset every time you run the query.
type: long
The sequence number, or seqno, of the last committed transaction.
type: long
Node specific Cluster status fields.
Total number of local transactions that were aborted by slave transactions while in execution.
type: long
Total number of local transactions that failed certification test.
type: long
Total number of local transactions committed.
type: long
Node specific recv fields.
Current (instantaneous) length of the recv queue.
type: long
Recv queue length averaged over interval since the last FLUSH STATUS command. Values considerably larger than 0.0 mean that the node cannot apply write-sets as fast as they are received and will generate a lot of replication throttling.
type: double
The maximum length of the recv queue since the last FLUSH STATUS command.
type: long
The minimum length of the recv queue since the last FLUSH STATUS command.
type: long
Total number of transaction replays due to asymmetric lock granularity.
type: long
Node specific sent fields.
Current (instantaneous) length of the send queue.
type: long
Send queue length averaged over time since the last FLUSH STATUS command. Values considerably larger than 0.0 indicate replication throttling or network throughput issue.
type: double
The maximum length of the send queue since the last FLUSH STATUS command.
type: long
The minimum length of the send queue since the last FLUSH STATUS command.
type: long
Internal Galera Cluster FSM state number.
type: keyword
Whether the server is ready to accept queries.
type: keyword
Write-Set receive status fields.
Total number of write-sets received from other nodes.
type: long
Total size of write-sets received from other nodes.
type: long
Replication status fields.
Total size of data replicated.
type: long
Total number of keys replicated.
type: long
Total size of keys replicated.
type: long
Total size of other bits replicated.
type: long
Total number of write-sets replicated (sent to other nodes).
type: long
Total size of write-sets replicated.
type: long
contains metrics related to the performance of a MySQL instance
Records statement events summarized by schema and digest
Maximum wait time of the summarized events that are timed
type: long
Time at which the digest was most recently seen
type: date
The 95th percentile of the statement latency, in picoseconds
type: long
Performance schema digest
type: text
Number of summarized events
type: long
Average wait time of the summarized events that are timed
type: long
Records table I/O waits by index
Schema name
type: keyword
Table name
type: keyword
Name of the index that was used when the table I/O wait event was recorded. PRIMARY indicates that table I/O used the primary index. NULL means that table I/O used no index. Inserts are counted against INDEX_NAME = NULL
type: keyword
Number of all fetch operations > 0
type: long
metricset fetches custom queries from the user to a MySQL instance.
contains the metrics that were obtained by the status SQL query.
Aborted status fields.
The number of connections that were aborted because the client died without closing the connection properly.
type: long
The number of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server.
type: long
The number of errors that occurred while searching for connecting client IP addresses.
type: long
The number of errors that occurred during calls to accept() on the listening port.
type: long
The number of connections refused due to internal errors in the server, such as failure to start a new thread or an out-of-memory condition.
type: long
The number of connections refused because the server max_connections limit was reached. thread or an out-of-memory condition.
type: long
The number of connections refused by the libwrap library.
type: long
The number of errors that occurred during calls to select() or poll() on the listening port. (Failure of this operation does not necessarily means a client connection was rejected.)
type: long
SSL session cache hits and misses.
The number of SSL session cache hits.
type: long
The number of SSL session cache misses.
type: long
The SSL session cache size.
type: long
The number of hits for open tables cache lookups.
type: long
The number of misses for open tables cache lookups.
type: long
Number of times, after a table is opened or closed, a cache instance has an unused entry and the size of the instance is larger than table_open_cache / table_open_cache_instances
type: long
type: long
type: long
Bytes stats.
The number of bytes received from all clients.
type: long
format: bytes
The number of bytes sent to all clients.
type: long
format: bytes
Threads stats.
The number of cached threads.
type: long
The number of created threads.
type: long
The number of connected threads.
type: long
The number of running threads.
type: long
type: long
type: long
type: long
type: long
type: long
type: long
type: long
type: long
type: long
type: long
type: long
type: long
type: long
The number of DELETE queries since startup.
type: long
The number of INSERT queries since startup.
type: long
The number of SELECT queries since startup.
type: long
The number of UPDATE queries since startup.
type: long
The number of statements executed by the server. This variable includes statements executed within stored programs, unlike the Questions variable. It does not count COM_PING or COM_STATISTICS commands.
type: long
The number of statements executed by the server. This includes only statements sent to the server by clients and not statements executed within stored programs, unlike the Queries variable. This variable does not count COM_PING, COM_STATISTICS, COM_STMT_PREPARE, COM_STMT_CLOSE, or COM_STMT_RESET commands.
type: long
The number of internal COMMIT statements.
type: long
The number of times that rows have been deleted from tables.
type: long
The server increments this variable for each call to its external_lock() function, which generally occurs at the beginning and end of access to a table instance.
type: long
The number of times the server uses a storage engine’s own Multi-Range Read implementation for table access.
type: long
A counter for the prepare phase of two-phase commit operations.
type: long
The number of times the first entry in an index was read.
type: long
The number of requests to read a row based on a key.
type: long
The number of requests to read the last key in an index.
type: long
The number of requests to read the next row in key order.
type: long
The number of requests to read the previous row in key order.
type: long
The number of requests to read a row based on a fixed position.
type: long
The number of requests to read the next row in the data file.
type: long
The number of requests for a storage engine to perform a rollback operation.
type: long
The number of requests for a storage engine to place a savepoint.
type: long
The number of requests for a storage engine to roll back to a savepoint.
type: long
The number of requests to update a row in a table.
type: long
The number of requests to insert a row in a table.
type: long
The number of rows reads into InnoDB tables.
type: long
The number of rows inserted into InnoDB tables.
type: long
The number of rows deleted into InnoDB tables.
type: long
The number of rows updated into InnoDB tables.
type: long
The progress of an operation to record the pages held in the InnoDB buffer pool, triggered by the setting of innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown or innodb_buffer_pool_dump_now.
type: long
The progress of an operation to warm up the InnoDB buffer pool by reading in a set of pages corresponding to an earlier point in time, triggered by the setting of innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup or innodb_buffer_pool_load_now.
type: long
The total number of bytes in the InnoDB buffer pool containing data.
type: long
The total current number of bytes held in dirty pages in the InnoDB buffer pool.
type: long
The number of pages in the InnoDB buffer pool containing data.
type: long
The current number of dirty pages in the InnoDB buffer pool.
type: long
The number of requests to flush pages from the InnoDB buffer pool.
type: long
The number of free pages in the InnoDB buffer pool.
type: long
The number of latched pages in the InnoDB buffer pool.
type: long
The number of pages in the InnoDB buffer pool that are busy because they have been allocated for administrative overhead, such as row locks or the adaptive hash index.
type: long
The total size of the InnoDB buffer pool, in pages.
type: long
The number of pages read into the InnoDB buffer pool by the read-ahead background thread.
type: long
The number of pages read into the InnoDB buffer pool by the read-ahead background thread that were subsequently evicted without having been accessed by queries.
type: long
The number of "random" read-aheads initiated by InnoDB.
type: long
The number of logical read requests.
type: long
The number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from the buffer pool, and had to read directly from disk.
type: long
The status of an operation to resize the InnoDB buffer pool dynamically, triggered by setting the innodb_buffer_pool_size parameter dynamically.
type: long
Normally, writes to the InnoDB buffer pool happen in the background. When InnoDB needs to read or create a page and no clean pages are available, InnoDB flushes some dirty pages first and waits for that operation to finish. This counter counts instances of these waits.
type: long
The number of writes done to the InnoDB buffer pool.
type: long
On this page