
The executive guide to generative AI

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If something went wrong


If for whatever reason you’d like to revert the configuration after running the migrated configuration and return to old log inputs the files that were taken by filestream inputs, you need to do the following:

  1. Stop Filebeat as soon as possible
  2. Save its debug-level logs for further investigation
  3. Find your registry.path/filebeat directory
  4. Find the created backup files, they have the <timestamp>.bak suffix. If you have multiple backups for the same file, choose the one with the more recent timestamp.
  5. Replace the files with their backups, e.g. log.json should be replaced by log.json-1674152412247684000.bak
  6. Run Filebeat with the old configuration (no filestream inputs with take_over: true).

Reverting to backups might cause some events to repeat, depends on the amount of time the new configuration was running.

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