
The executive guide to generative AI

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Run Auditbeat on Docker


Docker images for Auditbeat are available from the Elastic Docker registry. The base image is centos:7.

A list of all published Docker images and tags is available at

These images are free to use under the Elastic license. They contain open source and free commercial features and access to paid commercial features. Start a 30-day trial to try out all of the paid commercial features. See the Subscriptions page for information about Elastic license levels.

Pull the image


Obtaining Auditbeat for Docker is as simple as issuing a docker pull command against the Elastic Docker registry.

docker pull

Alternatively, you can download other Docker images that contain only features available under the Apache 2.0 license. To download the images, go to

Run the Auditbeat setup


Running Auditbeat with the setup command will create the index pattern and load visualizations , dashboards, and machine learning jobs. Run this command:

docker run \
  --cap-add="AUDIT_CONTROL" \
  --cap-add="AUDIT_READ" \ \
  setup -E \
  -E output.elasticsearch.hosts=["elasticsearch:9200"]  

Substitute your Kibana and Elasticsearch hosts and ports.

If you are using the hosted Elasticsearch Service in Elastic Cloud, replace the -E output.elasticsearch.hosts line with the Cloud ID and elastic password using this syntax:

-E<Cloud ID from Elasticsearch Service> \
-E cloud.auth=elastic:<elastic password>

Configure Auditbeat on Docker


The Docker image provides several methods for configuring Auditbeat. The conventional approach is to provide a configuration file via a volume mount, but it’s also possible to create a custom image with your configuration included.

Example configuration file


Download this example configuration file as a starting point:

curl -L -O

Volume-mounted configuration


One way to configure Auditbeat on Docker is to provide auditbeat.docker.yml via a volume mount. With docker run, the volume mount can be specified like this.

docker run -d \
  --name=auditbeat \
  --user=root \
  --volume="$(pwd)/auditbeat.docker.yml:/usr/share/auditbeat/auditbeat.yml:ro" \
  --cap-add="AUDIT_CONTROL" \
  --cap-add="AUDIT_READ" \
  --pid=host \ -e \
  --strict.perms=false \
  -E output.elasticsearch.hosts=["elasticsearch:9200"]  

Substitute your Elasticsearch hosts and ports.

If you are using the hosted Elasticsearch Service in Elastic Cloud, replace the -E output.elasticsearch.hosts line with the Cloud ID and elastic password using the syntax shown earlier.

Customize your configuration


The auditbeat.docker.yml downloaded earlier should be customized for your environment. See Configure for more details. Edit the configuration file and customize it to match your environment then re-deploy your Auditbeat container.

Custom image configuration


It’s possible to embed your Auditbeat configuration in a custom image. Here is an example Dockerfile to achieve this:

COPY auditbeat.yml /usr/share/auditbeat/auditbeat.yml

Special requirements


Under Docker, Auditbeat runs as a non-root user, but requires some privileged capabilities to operate correctly. Ensure that the AUDIT_CONTROL and AUDIT_READ capabilities are available to the container.

It is also essential to run Auditbeat in the host PID namespace.

docker run --cap-add=AUDIT_CONTROL --cap-add=AUDIT_READ --user=root --pid=host