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Keep your eye on this page for known issues and troubleshooting tips.

You can run bin/enterprise-search --help for more information.

Reset password


If you’ve lost access to Enterprise Search, you can recover specific users or reset all access to Enterprise Search.

Refer to the following sections in the Enterprise Search documentation:

Log indices


Enterprise Search creates several log indices. You can create dashboards for these indices within Kibana, or you can query these indices using Elasticsearch.

For a list of these indices, see Log retention in the Enterprise Search documentation.

Capturing Diagnostics


Running the binary with the --diagnostic-report flag to capture a diagnostic bundle:

bin/enterprise-search --diagnostic-report

The bundle generates a zipped folder, with the following structure:

- app_info.json
- config.json
- elasticsearch_info.json
- logs
  - stats.log
  - system.log
- recent_jobs_info.json
- system_info.json
  • app_info.json: Version information, build date, and background queue statuses.
  • config.json: Sanitized enterprise-search.yml with defaults.
  • elasticsearch-info.json: Elasticsearch cluster, node, index, and configuration settings.
  • logs/stats.log: Periodic metrics: response codes, timings. Each line is snapshot data for a sliding window of time. Generates one line per process per minute.
  • logs/system.log: Sanitized log of key system events such as web requests, response codes, API methods, background job processing, and more.
  • recent_jobs_info.json: Information about most recent finished jobs for every content source.
  • system_info.json: Operating System and Java Virtual Machine details.

When you submit feedback or issue a support request, attach this bundle to provide our team with:

  • Enterprise Search & Elasticsearch configuration details
  • Partial logs from Enterprise Search and Elasticsearch
  • System information

The richness of the bundle will change depending on what you have set for log_level in your config/enterprise-search.yml.

You can select one of: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, or unknown.

If you are sending the bundle into support, the debug setting will render the most thorough information:

log_level: debug

Look through the logs before sending to ensure that you are comfortable sharing the information.

Java Error


You will need to use the correct Java version if you receive an error such as:

Found java executable in PATH
Java version: 1.7.0_80
Elastic Enterprise Search requires Java version 1.8 or higher, current version is 1.7.0_80

On Linux or MacOS, you can manage your Java environment using something like jEnv.

Ensure you have 1.8 or higher installed; just installing a new Java version often is not enough, ensure it is in your PATH.

Response Alerts & Warnings


Successful search API responses return a 200 response but may contain either alerts or warnings.

This page will help you identify and troubleshoot alerts.

For warnings, consult the search API Reference for instructions on how better format your query based on warning contents.

Response Object


The response object is rich.

Errors will appear within the alerts or warnings array of the meta object.

  "meta": {
    "alerts": [], // Indicates issues with the Enterprise Search service.
    "warnings": [], // Indicates issues with query formation.
    "page": {
      "current": integer,
      "total_pages": integer,
      "total_results": integer,
      "size": integer
    "request_id": "9c4c527ba0f57e6bafb1f318167eaa04"
  "results": [

  # ... Documents.


5001: Degraded search results


It is helpful to know whether a query has timed out, or whether the query returned no results.

A 5001 error indicates that the query could not be completed in full.

Use the 5001 error to initiate a retry of the query, perhaps after assessing whether the given parameters are bloating the query.

If the issue persists, please contact support.