



Elastic App Search is packaged with Workplace Search as a single solution named Elastic Enterprise Search. Deploy Elastic Enterprise Search on Elastic Cloud or run the solution on-premises.

Get started now with a free Elastic Cloud trial:

Or, run self-managed deployments on your own infrastructure:

Deploying on Elastic Cloud


Deploy Enterprise Search on Elastic Cloud with the following steps. For more details, see the relevant Elastic Cloud documentation.

Step 1. Log in to Elastic Cloud. If you’re using Elastic Cloud for the first time, create an account. New accounts include a free trial.

Step 2. Within Elastic Cloud, navigate to Create deployment to create your Enterprise Search deployment. If you’re using a new account, your free trial starts you on this screen automatically.

Choose Elastic Enterprise Search.

Optionally, change the values of other fields, such as cloud provider and geographic region.

Click Create deployment to deploy Enterprise Search.

Step 3. While waiting for the deployment to start, download or copy the elastic user password shown on the screen. You don’t need these credentials now, but they are shown only once. Record them securely.

When available, choose Open Enterprise Search, which redirects you to the Enterprise Search home screen.

From the home screen, choose Launch App Search.

You’re ready to use Elastic App Search! Continue with Getting started.

Elastic Cloud documentation


For more information about Enterprise Search on Elastic Cloud, refer to the following Elastic Cloud documentation:

Resetting the Enterprise Search password


If you lose the password for the elastic user, you’ll need to reset it through the Elastic Cloud console. Navigate to the specific deployment within Elastic Cloud, and then click Manage and Reset password to get to the Security screen. From there, click Reset password to complete the process.

Running on Elastic Cloud Enterprise (ECE)


You can deploy ECE on public or private clouds, virtual machines, or your own premises. ECE has supported Enterprise Search since version 2.6.

Learn how to enable Enterprise Search on ECE.

Running on ECK (Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes)


Orchestrate Enterprise Search on Kubernetes using Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK), which supports Enterprise Search since ECK 1.2.

See Run Enterprise Search on ECK in the ECK documentation.

Running using Linux/MacOS packages


Elastic distributes Linux and MacOS packages for installing Elasticsearch and Enterprise Search within your development environment or on production hardware you’ve provisioned.

First, satisfy all dependencies:

  • 64-bit Linux or MacOS (10.13+).
  • Java 8 or Java 11.
  • 6GB of available RAM (4GB if running Elasticsearch on a separate machine).
  • 5GB of available storage.

Next, you’ll need to get Elasticsearch up and running:

Step 1. Download Elasticsearch 7.12.1 and navigate to the newly unpacked directory.

Step 2. Locate the config/elasticsearch.yml configuration file and edit the following setting to enable Elasticsearch’s Security features: true true

Disabling Elasticsearch security is not recommended, though App Search will run without it. See Security & Users for more details.

Step 3. Start Elasticsearch:

$ bin/elasticsearch

We must now configure Enterprise Search:

Step 4. Download Enterprise Search 7.12.1 and navigate to the newly unpacked directory.

Step 5. Locate the config/enterprise-search.yml file and add the following line. It allows Enterprise Search to create the appropriate indices for the target Elasticsearch cluster:

allow_es_settings_modification: true

allow_es_settings_modification: true can be used safely if the cluster is used for Enterprise Search only. An alternative option is to set auto_create_index at the cluster level. See Elasticsearch cluster settings for more information.

Step 6. You must also set at least one encryption key in the same config/enterprise-search.yml configuration file (256-bit key recommended), as an array:

secret_management.encryption_keys: [{encryption_key1}, {encryption_key2}, {...}]

See Configuring encryption keys in the Enterprise Search documentation for more information.

Step 7. Run the following command to start Enterprise Search.

$ bin/enterprise-search

Step 8. Head to http://localhost:3002.

From the Enterprise Search home screen, choose Launch App Search.

You’re ready to use Elastic App Search! Continue with Getting started.

Elasticsearch cluster settings


Enterprise Search makes alterations to the auto_create_index persistent and transient settings within Elasticsearch when using allow_es_settings_modification: true. Avoid making changes to those settings as it may result in unintended consequences.

An alternative approach involves setting the auto_create_index configuration in elasticsearch.yml for the target Elasticsearch cluster:

action.auto_create_index: ".ent-search-*-logs-*,-.ent-search-*,-test-.ent-search-*,+*"

Using this alternative approach allows you to maintain all Elasticsearch-specific settings at the cluster level.

Resetting the Enterprise Search password


Run the binary with an attached --reset-auth command:

  • Standard Auth: Resets login and generates new random password.
  • elasticsearch-native and elasticsearch-saml: Removes the current role mappings. All users are granted the owner role.

Running using Docker images


Elastic distributes Docker images for Enterprise Search for running the solution within your development environment or on production hardware you’ve provisioned.

For help using these images, see Running Enterprise Search using Docker in the Enterprise Search documentation.