
文章作者 Carly Richmond

Senior Developer Advocate

Carly is a senior developer advocate at Elastic. Before joining Elastic in 2022, she spent over 10 years working as a software engineer, scrum master, and engineering leader at a large investment bank. She is a UI engineer who occasionally dabbles in writing backend services, a speaker, and a regular blogger on both her personal blog and the Elastic blog.

She enjoys cooking, photography, drinking tea, and chasing after her young son in her spare time.



DevOps 的目标是在开发和运营团队之间建立一些互补性的实践。请了解 Playwright、@elastic/synthetics、GitHub Actions 和 Elastic Synthetics 如何将开发团队和 SRE 团队联合起来,共同验证和监测用户体验。


Elastic RUM(真实用户监测)浅谈


备考 Elastic 认证工程师的 7 个提示与技巧

Elastic 认证工程师考试是可供 Elastic 产品的用户参加的几个认证之一。了解有助于您做好准备并成功通过考试的技巧和资源。