Under the SADBRIDGE with GOSAR: QUASAR Gets a Golang Rewrite

Elastic Security Labs share details about the SADBRIDGE loader and GOSAR backdoor, malware used in campaigns targeting Chinese-speaking victims.

30 min readMalware analysis
Under the SADBRIDGE with GOSAR: QUASAR Gets a Golang Rewrite


Elastic Security Labs recently observed a new intrusion set targeting Chinese-speaking regions, tracked as REF3864. These organized campaigns target victims by masquerading as legitimate software such as web browsers or social media messaging services. The threat group behind these campaigns shows a moderate degree of versatility in delivering malware across multiple platforms such as Linux, Windows, and Android. During this investigation, our team discovered a unique Windows infection chain with a custom loader we call SADBRIDGE. This loader deploys a Golang-based reimplementation of QUASAR, which we refer to as GOSAR. This is our team’s first time observing a rewrite of QUASAR in the Golang programming language.

Key takeaways

  • Ongoing campaigns targeting Chinese language speakers with malicious installers masquerading as legitimate software like Telegram and the Opera web browser
  • Infection chains employ injection and DLL side-loading using a custom loader (SADBRIDGE)
  • SADBRIDGE deploys a newly-discovered variant of the QUASAR backdoor written in Golang (GOSAR)
  • GOSAR is a multi-functional backdoor under active development with incomplete features and iterations of improved features observed over time
  • Elastic Security provides comprehensive prevention and detection capabilities against this attack chain

REF3864 Campaign Overview

In November, the Elastic Security Labs team observed a unique infection chain when detonating several different samples uploaded to VirusTotal. These different samples were hosted via landing pages masquerading as legitimate software such as Telegram or the Opera GX browser.

Fake Telegram landing page
Fake Telegram landing page

During this investigation, we uncovered multiple infection chains involving similar techniques:

  • Trojanized MSI installers with low detections
  • Masquerading using legitimate software bundled with malicious DLLs
  • Custom SADBRIDGE loader deployed
  • Final stage GOSAR loaded

We believe these campaigns have flown under the radar due to multiple levels of abstraction. Typically, the first phase involves opening an archive file (ZIP) that includes an MSI installer. Legitimate software like the Windows x64dbg.exe debugging application is used behind-the-scenes to load a malicious, patched DLL (x64bridge.dll). This DLL kicks off a new legitimate program (MonitoringHost.exe) where it side-loads another malicious DLL (HealthServiceRuntime.dll), ultimately performing injection and loading the GOSAR implant in memory via injection.

Malware researchers extracted SADBRIDGE configurations that reveal adversary-designated campaign dates, and indicate operations with similar TTP’s have been ongoing since at least December 2023. The command-and-control (C2) infrastructure for GOSAR often masquerades under trusted services or software to appear benign and conform to victim expectations for software installers. Throughout the execution chain, there is a focus centered around enumerating Chinese AV products such as 360tray.exe, along with firewall rule names and descriptions in Chinese. Due to these customizations we believe this threat is geared towards targeting Chinese language speakers. Additionally, extensive usage of Chinese language logging indicates the attackers are also Chinese language speakers.

QUASAR has previously been used in state-sponsored espionage, non-state hacktivism, and criminal financially motivated attacks since 2017 (Qualys, Evolution of Quasar RAT), including by China-linked APT10. A rewrite in Golang might capitalize on institutional knowledge gained over this period, allowing for additional capabilities without extensive retraining of previously effective TTPs.

GOSAR extends QUASAR with additional information-gathering capabilities, multi-OS support, and improved evasion against anti-virus products and malware classifiers. However, the generic lure websites, and lack of additional targeting information, or actions on the objective, leave us with insufficient evidence to identify attacker motivation(s).

SADBRIDGE Execution Chain resulting in GOSAR infection
SADBRIDGE Execution Chain resulting in GOSAR infection

SADBRIDGE Introduction

The SADBRIDGE malware loader is packaged as an MSI executable for delivery and uses DLL side-loading with various injection techniques to execute malicious payloads. SADBRIDGE abuses legitimate applications such as x64dbg.exe and MonitoringHost.exe to load malicious DLLs like x64bridge.dll and HealthServiceRuntime.dll, which leads to subsequent stages and shellcodes.

Persistence is achieved through service creation and registry modifications. Privilege escalation to Administrator occurs silently using a UAC bypass technique that abuses the ICMLuaUtil COM interface. In addition, SADBRIDGE incorporates a privilege escalation bypass through Windows Task Scheduler to execute its main payload with SYSTEM level privileges.

The SADBRIDGE configuration is encrypted using a simple subtraction of 0x1 on each byte of the configuration string. The encrypted stages are all appended with a .log extension, and decrypted during runtime using XOR and the LZNT1 decompression algorithm.

SADBRIDGE employs PoolParty, APC queues, and token manipulation techniques for process injection. To avoid sandbox analysis, it uses long Sleep API calls. Another defense evasion technique involves API patching to disable Windows security mechanisms such as the Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) and Event Tracing for Windows (ETW).

The following deep dive is structured to explore the execution chain, providing a step-by-step walkthrough of the capabilities and functionalities of significant files and stages, based on the configuration of the analyzed sample. The analysis aims to highlight the interaction between each component and their roles in reaching the final payload.

SADBRIDGE Code Analysis

MSI Analysis

The initial files are packaged in an MSI using Advanced Installer, the main files of interest are x64dbg.exe and x64bridge.dll.

Significant files inside the MSI installer
Significant files inside the MSI installer

By using MSI tooling (lessmsi), we can see the LaunchApp entrypoint in aicustact.dll is configured to execute the file path specified in the AI_APP_FILE property.

Custom actions configured using Advanced Installer
Custom actions configured using Advanced Installer

If we navigate to this AI_APP_FILE property, we can see the file tied to this configuration is x64dbg.exe. This represents the file that will be executed after the installation is completed, the legitimate NetFxRepairTool.exe is never executed.

AI_APP_FILE property configured to launch x64dbg.exe
AI_APP_FILE property configured to launch x64dbg.exe

x64bridge.dll Side-loading

When x64dbg.exe gets executed, it calls the BridgeInit export from x64bridge.dll. BridgeInit is a wrapper for the BridgeStart function.

Control flow diagram showing call to BridgeStart
Control flow diagram showing call to BridgeStart

Similar to techniques observed with BLISTER, SADBRIDGE patches the export of a legitimate DLL.

Comparison of BridgeStart export from x64bridge.dll
Comparison of BridgeStart export from x64bridge.dll

During the malware initialization routine, SADBRIDGE begins with generating a hash using the hostname and a magic seed 0x4E67C6A7. This hash is used as a directory name for storing the encrypted configuration file. The encrypted configuration is written to C:\Users\Public\Documents\<hostname_hash>\edbtmp.log. This file contains the attributes FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN to hide itself from an ordinary directory listing.

Configuration file hidden from users
Configuration file hidden from users

Decrypting the configuration is straightforward, the encrypted chunks are separated with null bytes. For each byte within the encrypted chunks, we can increment them by 0x1.

The configuration consists of:

  • Possible campaign date
  • Strings to be used for creating services
  • New name for MonitoringHost.exe (DevQueryBroker.exe)
  • DLL name for the DLL to be sideloaded by MonitoringHost.exe (HealthServiceRuntime.dll)
  • Absolute paths for additional stages (.log files)
  • The primary injection target for hosting GOSAR (svchost.exe)

SADBRIDGE configuration
SADBRIDGE configuration

The DevQueryBroker directory (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\DeviceSync\Device\Stage\Data\DevQueryBroker\) contains all of the encrypted stages (.log files) that are decrypted at runtime. The file (DevQueryBroker.exe) is a renamed copy of Microsoft legitimate application (MonitoringHost.exe).

File listing of the DevQueryBroker folder
File listing of the DevQueryBroker folder

Finally, it creates a process to run DevQueryBroker.exe which side-loads the malicious HealthServiceRuntime.dll in the same folder.


This module drops both an encrypted and partially decrypted shellcode in the User’s %TEMP% directory. The file name for the shellcode follows the format: log<random_string>.tmp. Each byte of the partially decrypted shellcode is then decremented by 0x10 to fully decrypt. The shellcode is executed in a new thread of the same process.

Decryption of a shellcode in HealthServiceRuntime.dll
Decryption of a shellcode in HealthServiceRuntime.dll

The malware leverages API hashing using the same algorithm in research published by SonicWall, the hashing algorithm is listed in the Appendix section. The shellcode decrypts DevQueryBroker.log into a PE file then performs a simple XOR operation with a single byte (0x42) in the first third of the file where then it decompresses the result using the LZNT1 algorithm.

Shellcode decrypting DevQueryBroker.log file
Shellcode decrypting DevQueryBroker.log file

The shellcode then unmaps any existing mappings at the PE file's preferred base address using NtUnmapViewOfSection, ensuring that a call to VirtualAlloc will allocate memory starting at the preferred base address. Finally, it maps the decrypted PE file to this allocated memory and transfers execution to its entry point. All shellcodes identified and executed by SADBRIDGE share an identical code structure, differing only in the specific .log files they reference for decryption and execution.


The malware dynamically loads amsi.dll to disable critical security mechanisms in Windows. It patches AmsiScanBuffer in amsi.dll by inserting instructions to modify the return value to 0x80070057, the standardized Microsoft error code E_INVALIDARG indicating invalid arguments, and returning prematurely, to effectively bypass the scanning logic. Similarly, it patches AmsiOpenSession to always return the same error code E_INVALIDARG. Additionally, it patches EtwEventWrite in ntdll.dll, replacing the first instruction with a ret instruction to disable Event Tracing for Windows (ETW), suppressing any logging of malicious activity.

Patching AmsiScanBuffer, AmsiOpenSession and EtwEventWrite APIs
Patching AmsiScanBuffer, AmsiOpenSession and EtwEventWrite APIs

Following the patching, an encrypted shellcode is written to temp.ini at path (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\DeviceSync\Device\Stage\Data\DevQueryBroker\temp.ini).
The malware checks the current process token’s group membership to determine its privilege level. It verifies if the process belongs to the LocalSystem account by initializing a SID with the SECURITY_LOCAL_SYSTEM_RID and calling CheckTokenMembership. If not, it attempts to check for membership in the Administrators group by creating a SID using SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID and DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS and performing a similar token membership check.

If the current process does not have LocalSystem or Administrator privileges, privileges are first elevated to Administrator through a UAC bypass mechanism by leveraging the ICMLuaUtil COM interface. It crafts a moniker string "Elevation:Administrator!new:{3E5FC7F9-9A51-4367-9063-A120244FBEC7}" to create an instance of the CMSTPLUA object with Administrator privileges. Once the object is created and the ICMLuaUtil interface is obtained, the malware uses the exposed ShellExec method of the interface to run DevQueryBroker.exe.

Privilege Escalation via ICMLuaUtil COM interface
Privilege Escalation via ICMLuaUtil COM interface

If a task or a service is not created to run DevQueryBroker.exe routinely, the malware checks if the Anti-Virus process 360tray.exe is running. If it is not running, a service is created for privilege escalation to SYSTEM, with the following properties:

  • Service name: DevQueryBrokerService
    Binary path name: “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\DeviceSync\Device\Stage\Data\DevQueryBroker\DevQueryBroker.exe -svc”.
  • Display name: DevQuery Background Discovery Broker Service
  • Description: Enables apps to discover devices with a background task.
  • Start type: Automatically at system boot
  • Privileges: LocalSystem

If 360tray.exe is detected running, the malware writes an encrypted PE file to DevQueryBrokerService.log, then maps a next-stage PE file (Stage 1) into the current process memory, transferring execution to it.

Once DevQueryBroker.exe is re-triggered with SYSTEM level privileges and reaches this part of the chain, the malware checks the Windows version. For systems running Vista or later (excluding Windows 7), it maps another next-stage (Stage 2) into memory and transfers execution there.

On Windows 7, however, it executes a shellcode, which decrypts and runs the DevQueryBrokerPre.log file.

Stage 1 Injection (explorer.exe)

SADBRIDGE utilizes PoolParty Variant 7 to inject shellcode into explorer.exe by targeting its thread pool’s I/O completion queue. It first duplicates a handle to the target process's I/O completion queue. It then allocates memory within explorer.exe to store the shellcode. Additional memory is allocated to store a crafted TP_DIRECT structure, which includes the base address of the shellcode as the callback address. Finally, it calls ZwSetIoCompletion, passing a pointer to the TP_DIRECT structure to queue a packet to the I/O completion queue of the target process's worker factory (worker threads manager), effectively triggering the execution of the injected shellcode.

I/O Completion Port Shellcode Injection
I/O Completion Port Shellcode Injection

This shellcode decrypts the DevQueryBrokerService.log file, unmaps any memory regions occupying its preferred base address, maps the PE file to that address, and then executes its entry point. This behavior mirrors the previously observed shellcode.

Stage 2 Injection (spoolsv.exe/lsass.exe)

For Stage 2, SADBRIDGE injects shellcode into spoolsv.exe, or lsass.exe if spoolsv.exe is unavailable, using the same injection technique as in Stage 1. The shellcode exhibits similar behavior to the earlier stages: it decrypts DevQueryBrokerPre.log into a PE file, unmaps any regions occupying its preferred base address, maps the PE file, and then transfers execution to its entry point.


The shellcode decrypted from DevQueryBrokerService.log as mentioned in the previous section leverages a privilege escalation technique using the Windows Task Scheduler. SADBRIDGE integrates a public UAC bypass technique using the IElevatedFactorySever COM object to indirectly create the scheduled task. This task is configured to run DevQueryBroker.exe on a daily basis with SYSTEM level privileges using the task name DevQueryBrokerService.

GUID in Scheduled Task Creation (Virtual Factory for MaintenanceUI)
GUID in Scheduled Task Creation (Virtual Factory for MaintenanceUI)

In order to cover its tracks, the malware spoofs the image path and command-line by modifying the Process Environment Block (PEB) directly, likely in an attempt to disguise the COM service as coming from explorer.exe.

DevQueryBrokerService.log Spoofed Image Command-Line
DevQueryBrokerService.log Spoofed Image Command-Line


SADBRIDGE creates a service named DevQueryBrokerServiceSvc under the registry subkey SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DevQueryBrokerServiceSvc with the following attributes:

  • Description: Enables apps to discover devices with a background task.
  • DisplayName: DevQuery Background Discovery Broker Service
  • ErrorControl: 1
  • ImagePath: %systemRoot%\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
  • ObjectName: LocalSystem
  • Start: 2 (auto-start)
  • Type: 16.
  • Failure Actions:
    • Resets failure count every 24 hours.
    • Executes three restart attempts: a 20ms delay for the first, and a 1-minute delay for the second and third.

The service parameters specify the ServiceDll located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery\<hostname_hash>\DevQueryBrokerService.dll. If the DLL file does not exist, it will be dropped to disk right after.

DevQueryBrokerService.dll has a similar code structure as HealthServiceRuntime.dll, which is seen in the earlier stages of the execution chain. It is responsible for decrypting DevQueryBroker.log and running it. The ServiceDll will be loaded and executed by svchost.exe when the service starts.

svchost.exe’s malicious ServiceDLL parameter
svchost.exe’s malicious ServiceDLL parameter

Additionally, it modifies the SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Svchost\netsvcs key to include an entry for DevQueryBrokerServiceSvc to integrate the newly created service into the group of services managed by the netsvcs service host group.

Modifies the netsvc registry key to add DevQueryBrokerServiceSvc
Modifies the netsvc registry key to add DevQueryBrokerServiceSvc

SADBRIDGE then deletes the scheduled task and service created previously by removing the registry subkeys SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Schedule\\TaskCache\\Tree\\DevQueryBrokerService and SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\DevQueryBrokerService.

Finally, it removes the files DevQueryBroker.exe and HealthServiceRuntime.dll in the C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\DeviceSync\Device\Stage\Data\DevQueryBroker folder, as the new persistence mechanism is in place.

GOSAR Injection

In the latter half of the code, SADBRIDGE enumerates all active sessions on the local machine using the WTSEnumerateSessionsA API.

If sessions are found, it iterates through each session:

  • For each session, it attempts to retrieve the username (WTSUserName) using WTSQuerySessionInformationA. If the query fails, it moves to the next session.
  • If WTSUserName is not empty, the code targets svchost.exe, passing its path, the session ID, and the content of the loader configuration to a subroutine that injects the final stage.
  • If WTSUserName is empty but the session's WinStationName is "Services" (indicating a service session), it targets dllhost.exe instead, passing the same parameters to the final stage injection subroutine.

If no sessions are found, it enters an infinite loop to repeatedly enumerate sessions and invoke the subroutine for injecting the final stage, while performing checks to avoid redundant injections.

Logged-in sessions target svchost.exe, while service sessions or sessions without a logged-in user target dllhost.exe.

Enumeration of active sessions
Enumeration of active sessions

If a session ID is available, the code attempts to duplicate the user token for that session and elevate the duplicated token's integrity level to S-1-16-12288 (System integrity). It then uses the elevated token to create a child process (svchost.exe or dllhost.exe) via CreateProcessAsUserA.

Duplication of user token and elevating token privileges
Duplication of user token and elevating token privileges

If token manipulation fails or no session ID is available (system processes can have a session ID of 0), it falls back to creating a process without a token using CreateProcessA.

The encrypted shellcode C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\DeviceSync\Device\Stage\Data\DevQueryBroker\temp.ini is decrypted using the same XOR and LZNT1 decompression technique seen previously to decrypt .log files, and APC injection is used to queue the shellcode for execution in the newly created process’s thread.

APC injection to run GOSAR
APC injection to run GOSAR

Finally, the injected shellcode decrypts DevQueryBrokerCore.log to GOSAR and runs it in the newly created process’s memory.

GOSAR injected into dllhost.exe and svchost.exe
GOSAR injected into dllhost.exe and svchost.exe

GOSAR Introduction

GOSAR is a multi-functional remote access trojan found targeting Windows and Linux systems. This backdoor includes capabilities such as retrieving system information, taking screenshots, executing commands, keylogging, and much more. The GOSAR backdoor retains much of QUASAR's core functionality and behavior, while incorporating several modifications that differentiate it from the original version.

By rewriting malware in modern languages like Go, this can offer reduced detection rates as many antivirus solutions and malware classifiers struggle to identify malicious strings/characteristics under these new programming constructs. Below is a good example of an unpacked GOSAR receiving only 5 detections upon upload.

Low detection rate on GOSAR VT upload
Low detection rate on GOSAR VT upload

Notably, this variant supports multiple platforms, including ELF binaries for Linux systems and traditional PE files for Windows. This cross-platform capability aligns with the adaptability of Go, making it more versatile than the original .NET-based QUASAR. Within the following section, we will focus on highlighting GOSAR’s code structure, new features and additions compared to the open-source version (QUASAR).

GOSAR Code Analysis Overview

Code structure of GOSAR

As the binary retained all its symbols, we were able to reconstruct the source code structure, which was extracted from a sample of version 0.12.01

GOSAR code structure
GOSAR code structure

  • vibrant/config: Contains the configuration files for the malware.
  • vibrant/proto: Houses all the Google Protocol Buffers (proto) declarations.
  • vibrant/network: Includes functions related to networking, such as the main connection loop, proxy handling and also thread to configure the firewall and setting up a listener
  • vibrant/msgs/resolvers: Defines the commands handled by the malware. These commands are assigned to an object within the vibrant_msgs_init* functions.
  • vibrant/msgs/services: Introduces new functionality, such as running services like keyloggers, clipboard logger, these services are started in the vibrant_network._ptr_Connection.Start function.
  • vibrant/logs: Responsible for logging the malware’s execution. The logs are encrypted with an AES key stored in the configuration. The malware decrypts the logs in chunks using AES.
  • vibrant/pkg/helpers: Contains helper functions used across various malware commands and services.
  • vibrant/pkg/screenshot: Handles the screenshot capture functionality on the infected system.
  • vibrant/pkg/utils: Includes utility functions, such as generating random values.
  • vibrant/pkg/native: Provides functions for calling Windows API (WINAPI) functions.

New Additions to GOSAR

Communication and information gathering

This new variant continues to use the same communication method as the original, based on TCP TLS. Upon connection, it first sends system information to the C2, with 4 new fields added:

  • IPAddress
  • AntiVirus
  • ClipboardSettings
  • Wallets

The list of AntiViruses and digital wallets are initialized in the function vibrant_pkg_helpers_init and can be found at the bottom of this document.


The malware handles 3 services that are started during the initial connection of the client to the C2:

  • vibrant_services_KeyLogger
  • vibrant_services_ClipboardLogger
  • vibrant_services_TickWriteFile

GOSAR services
GOSAR services


The keylogging functionality in GOSAR is implemented in the vibrant_services_KeyLogger function. This feature relies on Windows APIs to intercept and record keystrokes on the infected system by setting a global Windows hook with SetWindowsHookEx with the parameter WH_KEYBOARD_LL to monitor low-level keyboard events. The hook function is named vibrant_services_KeyLogger_func1.

GOSAR setting the keylogger
GOSAR setting the keylogger


The clipboard logging functionality is straightforward and relies on Windows APIs. It first checks for the availability of clipboard data using IsClipboardFormatAvailable then retrieves it using GetClipboardData API.

GOSAR clipboard logging
GOSAR clipboard logging


Both ClipboardLogger and KeyLogger services collect data that is written by the TickWriteFile periodically to directory (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\diagnostics) under a file of the current date, example 2024-11-27.
It can be decrypted by first subtracting the value 0x1f then xoring it with the value 0x18 as shown in the CyberChef recipe.

CyberChef recipe used to decrypt keylogger logs
CyberChef recipe used to decrypt keylogger logs

Networking setup

After initializing its services, the malware spawns three threads dedicated to its networking setup.

  • vibrant_network_ConfigFirewallRule
  • vibrant_network_ConfigHosts
  • vibrant_network_ConfigAutoListener

Threads handling networking setup


The malware creates an inbound firewall rule for the ports range 51756-51776 under a Chinese name that is translated to Distributed Transaction Coordinator (LAN) it allows all programs and IP addresses inbound the description is set to :Inbound rules for the core transaction manager of the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service are managed remotely through RPC/TCP.

Added firewall rule
Added firewall rule


This function adds an entry to c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts the following micrornetworks.com. The reason for adding this entry is unclear, but it is likely due to missing functionalities or incomplete features in the malware's current development stage.


This functionality of the malware runs an HTTP server listener on the first available port within the range 51756-51776, which was previously allowed by a firewall rule. Interestingly, the server does not handle any commands, which proves that the malware is still under development. The current version we have only processes a GET request to the URI /security.js, responding with the string callback();, any other request returns a 404 error code. This minimal response could indicate that the server is a placeholder or part of an early development stage, with the potential for more complex functionalities to be added later

Callback handled by GOSAR
Callback handled by GOSAR


The malware saves its runtime logs in the directory: %APPDATA%\Roaming\Microsoft\Logs under the filename formatted as: windows-update-log-<YearMonthDay>.log.
Each log entry is encrypted with HMAC-AES algorithm; the key is hardcoded in the vibrant_config function, the following is an example:

Logs example generated by GOSAR
Logs example generated by GOSAR

The attacker can remotely retrieve the malware's runtime logs by issuing the command ResolveGetRunLogs.


The malware has the capability to execute plugins, which are PE files downloaded from the C2 and stored on disk encrypted with an XOR algorithm. These plugins are saved at the path: C:\ProgramData\policy-err.log. To execute a plugin, the command ResolveDoExecutePlugin is called, it first checks if a plugin is available.

GOSAR checking for existence of a plugin to execute
GOSAR checking for existence of a plugin to execute

It then loads a native DLL reflectively that is stored in base64 format in the binary named plugins.dll and executes its export function ExecPlugin.

GOSAR loading plugins.dlll and calling ExecPlugin
GOSAR loading plugins.dlll and calling ExecPlugin

ExecPlugin creates a suspended process of C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe with the arguments /package /quiet. It then queues Asynchronous Procedure Calls (APC) to the process's main thread. When the thread is resumed, the queued shellcode is executed.

GOSAR plugin module injecting a PE in msiexec.exe
GOSAR plugin module injecting a PE in msiexec.exe

The shellcode reads the encrypted plugin stored at C:\ProgramData\policy-err.log, decrypts it using a hardcoded 1-byte XOR key, and reflectively loads and executes it.


The malware supports hidden VNC(HVNC) through the existing socket, it exposes 5 commands

  • ResolveHVNCCommand
  • ResolveGetHVNCScreen
  • ResolveStopHVNC
  • ResolveDoHVNCKeyboardEvent
  • ResolveDoHVNCMouseEvent

The first command that is executed is ResolveGetHVNCScreen which will first initialise it and set up a view, it uses an embedded native DLL HiddenDesktop.dll in base64 format, the DLL is reflectively loaded into memory and executed.

The DLL is responsible for executing low level APIs to setup the HVNC, with a total of 7 exported functions:

  • ExcuteCommand
  • DoMouseScroll
  • DoMouseRightClick
  • DoMouseMove
  • DoMouseLeftClick
  • DoKeyPress
  • CaptureScreen

The first export function called is Initialise to initialise a desktop with CreateDesktopA API. This HVNC implementation handles 17 commands in total that can be found in ExcuteCommand export, as noted it does have a typo in the name, the command ID is forwarded from the malware’s command ResolveHVNCCommand that will call ExcuteCommand.

Command IDDescription
0x401The function first disables taskbar button grouping by setting the TaskbarGlomLevel registry key to 2 under Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced. Next, it ensures the taskbar is always visible and on top by using SHAppBarMessage with the ABM_SETSTATE command, setting the state to ABS_ALWAYSONTOP.
0x402Spawns a RUN dialog box by executing the 61th export function of shell32.dll.C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,#61
0x403Runs an instance of powershell.exe
0x404Executes a PE file stored in C:\\ProgramData\\shell.log
0x405Runs an instance of chrome.exe
0x406Runs an instance of msedge.exe
0x407Runs an instance of firefox.exe
0x408Runs an instance of iexplore.exe
0x409Runs an instance of 360se.exe
0x40ARuns an instance of 360ChromeX.exe.
0x40BRuns an instance of SogouExplorer.exe
0x40CClose current window
0x40DMinimizes the specified window
0x40EActivates the window and displays it as a maximized window
0x40FKills the process of a window
0x410Sets the clipboard
0x411Clears the Clipboard


The malware loads reflectively the third and last PE DLL embedded in base64 format named Capture.dll, it has 5 export functions:

  • CaptureFirstScreen
  • CaptureNextScreen
  • GetBitmapInfo
  • GetBitmapInfoSize
  • SetQuality

The library is first initialized by calling resolvers_ResolveGetBitmapInfo that reflectively loads and executes its DllEntryPoint which will setup the screen capture structures using common Windows APIs like CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap and CreateDIBSection. The 2 export functions CaptureFirstScreen and CaptureNextScreen are used to capture a screenshot of the victim's desktop as a JPEG image.


Interestingly, the original .NET QUASAR server can still be used to receive beaconing from GOSAR samples, as they have retained the same communication protocol. However, operational use of it would require significant modifications to support GOSAR functionalities.

It is unclear whether the authors updated or extended the open source .NET QUASAR server, or developed a completely new one. It is worth mentioning that they have retained the default listening port, 1080, consistent with the original implementation.

New functionality

The following table provides a description of all the newly added commands:

New commands
ResolveDoRoboCopyExecutes RoboCopy command to copy files
ResolveDoCompressFilesCompress files in a zip format
ResolveDoExtractFileExtract a zip file
ResolveDoCopyFilesCopies a directory or file in the infected machine
ResolveGetRunLogsGet available logs
ResolveHVNCCommandExecute a HVNC command
ResolveGetHVNCScreenInitiate HVNC
ResolveStopHVNCStop the HVNC session
ResolveDoHVNCKeyboardEventSend keyboard event to the HVNC
ResolveDoHVNCMouseEventSend mouse event to the HVNC
ResolveDoExecutePluginExecute a plugin
ResolveGetProcessesGet a list of running processes
ResolveDoProcessStartStart a process
ResolveDoProcessEndKill a process
ResolveGetBitmapInfoRetrieve the BITMAPINFO structure for the current screen's display settings
ResolveGetMonitorsEnumerate victim’s display monitors with EnumDisplayMonitors API
ResolveGetDesktopStart screen capture functionality
ResolveStopGetDesktopStop the screen capture functionality
ResolveNewShellExecuteOpens pipes to a spawned cmd.exe process and send commands to it
ResolveGetSchTasksGet scheduled tasks by running the command schtasks /query /fo list /v
ResolveGetScreenshotCapture a screenshot of the victim’s desktop
ResolveGetServicesGet the list of services with a WMI query: select * from Win32_Service
ResolveDoServiceOperationStart or stop a service
ResolveDoDisableMultiLogonDisable multiple session by user by setting the value fSingleSessionPerUser to 1 under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TerminalServer
ResolveDoRestoreNLARestores the security settings for Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), enabling Network Level Authentication (NLA) and enforcing SSL/TLS encryption for secure communication.
ResolveGetRemoteClientInformationGet a list of all local users that are enabled, the RDP port and LAN IP and OS specific information: DisplayVersion, SystemRoot and CurrentBuildNumber extracted from the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
ResolveDoInstallWrapperSetup a Hidden Remote Desktop Protocol (HRDP)
ResolveDoUninstallWrapperUninstall HRDP
ResolveDoRecoverPrivilegesRestores the original HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SAM\\SAM registry before changes were made during the installation of the HRDP
ResolveGetRemoteSessionsRetrieve information about the RDP sessions on the machine.
ResolveDoLogoffSessionLogoff RDP session with **WTSLogoffSession** API
ResolveGetSystemInfoGet system information
ResolveGetConnectionsGet all the connections in the machine
ResolveDoCloseConnectionNot implemented

Malware and MITRE ATT&CK

Elastic uses the MITRE ATT&CK framework to document common tactics, techniques, and procedures that threats use against enterprise networks.


Tactics represent the why of a technique or sub-technique. It is the adversary’s tactical goal: the reason for performing an action.


Techniques represent how an adversary achieves a tactical goal by performing an action.

Mitigating REF3864




Elastic Security has created YARA rules to identify this activity.


The following observables were discussed in this research:

opera-x[.]netdomain-nameLanding page
teledown-cn[.]comdomain-nameLanding page
ferp.googledns[.]iodomain-nameGOSAR C2 Server
hk-dns.secssl[.]comdomain-nameGOSAR C2 Server
hk-dns.winsiked[.]comdomain-nameGOSAR C2 Server
hk-dns.wkossclsaleklddeff[.]isdomain-nameGOSAR C2 Server
hk-dns.wkossclsaleklddeff[.]iodomain-nameGOSAR C2 Server


The following were referenced throughout the above research:


Hashing algorithm (SADBRIDGE)

def ror(x, n, max_bits=32) -> int:
"""Rotate right within a max bit limit, default 32-bit."""
n %= max_bits
return ((x >> n) | (x << (max_bits - n))) & (2**max_bits - 1)
def ror_13(data) -> int:
data = data.encode('ascii')
hash_value = 0
for byte in data:
hash_value = ror(hash_value, 13)
if byte >= 0x61:
byte -= 32 # Convert to uppercase
hash_value = (hash_value + byte) & 0xFFFFFFFF
return hash_value
def generate_hash(data, dll) -> int:
dll_hash = ror_13(dll)
result = (dll_hash + ror_13(data)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
return hex(result)

AV products checked in GOSAR
