We find the answers, together

Elastic's Search AI Partner Program empowers you to unlock new revenue opportunities while solving your clients' most complex data challenges. Unite your expertise with our comprehensive platform — from Elastic's generative AI, search, security, and observability solutions to the world's most popular vector database.

Unlock the power of Elastic's Partner Program

  • Gain access

    Apply to be part of the Search AI Partner Program and receive Elastic Partner Portal access to launch and manage your partnership.

  • Level up

    Advance your skillset with Elastic certifications, sales, and technical training. Stand out in the market while mastering the platform that drives client success.

  • Accelerate growth

    Turn Elastic's innovations into your competitive advantage. Get instant access to premium marketing resources, lead generation tools, and joint selling opportunities that drive business expansion.

  • Track success

    Our dedicated partner support team ensures you have everything needed to close more business, faster.

Become a leader in an AI-driven world

  • Value Added Resellers

    Grow revenue opportunities by helping to supercharge innovation in a $111.6 billion market that spans the Elastic products and solutions of today and tomorrow.

  • OEM partners

    Elevate your software with Elastic's embedded technology. Your customers get mind-blowing features, you keep costs predictable.

  • MSP partners

    Elastic's unified platform and Verified MSP program helps deliver premium services, optimize costs, and accelerate revenue growth through validated expertise and exclusive resources.

  • Technology partners

    Build next-gen AI solutions that matter, tap into the world's most popular vector database and access our vast developer ecosystem to bring innovative solutions to market faster, together.

  • Cloud partners

    Search, observe, and protect your environment on your preferred cloud provider. Deploy and scale, in minutes with simplified, native integrations within AWS, Microsoft, Google Cloud, Tencent, or Alibaba.

  • SI partners

    Accelerate your enterprise customers’ digital transformation and stand out in a competitive marketplace with solutions trusted by 50% of the Fortune 500.

Award-winning excellence in the Cloud

  • AWS Rising Star Partner of the Year

    Created better outcomes for customers who want to accelerate their cloud journey without sacrificing the ability to leverage all their data securely.

  • Google Cloud's Tech Partner of the Year

    Recognized for our data and analytics product that helps mutual customers achieve outstanding business outcomes for the fourth year in a row!

  • Microsoft Partner of the Year

    Acknowledged for the innovative and unique solutions Elastic builds with Microsoft to provide maximum value to customers.


"Elastic is at the forefront of developing AI solutions on Microsoft Azure, harnessing the power of Azure OpenAI to redefine customer experiences. This partnership is more than just a collaboration; it's a feedback loop of innovation, benefiting customers, Elastic, and Microsoft while empowering the broader partner ecosystem."

Nina HardingCorporate Vice President - Americas Global Partner Solutions, Microsoft